How do dogs see?

Any person who has got himself a shaggy four-legged pet, daily peers into his intelligent, devoted dog eyes. They understand almost everything, express joy or sadness, but they can not tell anything to the master. What processes occur in their head? In what color do dogs see our world around us? If you read this article, it means that you have also been interested in these questions more than once. Scientists have long been studying dogs, and some of the data obtained as a result of long experiences, for many people will be somewhat unexpected.

How many colors does the dog see?

More recently, we were assured that dogs see the world as black and white. This opinion was erroneous. Color vision of our pets is somewhat different from human, but still they can not be called color-blind. It's just that these animals have a slightly different eye structure. In the retina there are special cones responsible for color sensitivity. Each living creature they are special. Those who perceive the red color, our four-legged friends do not. Yellow-green shade with a yellowish-red tint, they can be confused. And the blue-green canvas for dogs in general may seem like a white sheet.

Do dogs see in the dark?

Scientists of our four-legged pets are referred to as transient animals, which are well oriented both during the day and on a dark night. Light-sensitive sticks are much better developed in them than in humans. This allows dogs to distinguish more shades of gray. After sunset, most of us do not see anything without a flashlight, but dogs continue to feel comfortable. It is proved that at night their eyes are 3 or 4 times better than human. The retina of our pupils' eyes is divided into sectors. The lower sector absorbs excess light, which makes it possible for its owner to see well in bright light. And the upper sector is arranged so as to strengthen the vision at night.

Dogs are predators, and for them it is very important to determine the object of hunting at any time of the day. They better capture a moving target than a stationary object. These animals are able to see your movement at a distance of almost 800-900 meters. But if the target is hidden, then the sensitive four-legged watchman will notice it only meters from 600. That is why the escaping person will quickly perceive dogs as an object of hunting.

How do dogs see at close range? It has been proven by experience that near the thing for dogs look somewhat vague. But people can easily focus on very close subjects. Our smaller brothers are not short-sighted, as some thought. They even have a small farsightedness (about + 0.5 diopters). Another difference between dogs and humans is that the person's eye is on the same axis, and here they are - these lines diverge slightly to the sides, about 20 degrees. The figures quoted depend to a large extent on the breed of the animal, the structure of the skull in different animals can vary greatly. Compare, for example, the head of a pug , Pekingese and German shepherd . But in any case, the field of vision of these animals will be somewhat more than we have with you. Our dogs have a holistic image not only from what they see with their eyes, but in many ways it also depends on the sense of smell and hearing.

It is believed that the rocks with hanging ears, in the first place comes the sense of smell. And in pets with standing ears (German shepherds and others) - the ear is best developed.

The question is, do dogs see the color, we have already considered. And what picture do they perceive on TV? Our television receivers are designed for people. Their frame rate is such that these animals can not view the normal image on the screen (for dogs it should be no lower than 80 HZ). Instead of the movie, the Bobics and the Balls see one melteshenie. But the new TVs with a frame rate of 100 Hz for our smaller brothers can be of interest. In the West, even started to shoot special ribbons for shaggy pets