How to deal with ants?

Most often, ants can be found in private houses, in cottages or on the ground floors of an apartment building, but they are distinguished by the ability to find tunnels, cracks, passages to neighboring apartments. The goal is a power source. Ants creep along trash cans, places where there are unprotected food products, crawl into sugar bowls, cabinets, etc. Even a crumb of bread on the floor can attract their attention. If you find these insects in your body, then it's worth fighting against ants, because they are carriers of harmful bacteria. Let's look at several ways to effectively deal with ants.

The first steps in the fight against ants

Initially, you need to find the nest of ants. It can be hidden in the cracks between the tiles, in the far corner of the room, under the plinth, behind the cabinets in the floor. In general, in places dark and inaccessible to you. Also, ants can simply come to your apartment from their neighbors, so carefully follow their paths.

The simplest thing you can do is buy special insecticides in the store (spray, chalk, powder, etc.). Be careful, because their chemicals can get into your body and cause poisoning or allergies . If you did not manage to destroy all ants with chemicals, then contact a special service.

Also you can use simple folk remedies that will not cause your body any harm and will be effective.

How to deal with ants folk remedies?

Consider several effective ways to kill ants:

  1. If you did not find a nest in your house, then most likely insects come from a nearby apartment. In this case, take garlic, mint or vegetable oil for help. These smells scare the ants away and if you yourself tolerably treat them, then just smear the pest paths of these products. In a few days, pests will forget the way to your house.
  2. If you find a nest in your house, then you can paste double-sided scotch on cardboard, put sugar in the center and put it near the nest. But this method is ineffective, because the reproduction of ants occurs quickly enough and not all come across this bait.
  3. You can simply fill the nest with boiling water, but the tun tunnels can be deep enough and winding. It is unlikely that water will enter the very center and destroy all insects.
  4. The best remedy for ants is poison bait. Mix sugar with boric acid, which you can buy for a penny in any pharmacy and put it near the nest. Or you can make balls from potatoes with the addition of acid. It poisons the body of insects after a short time, during which they manage to transfer the bait to the very depth of the anthill. Soon all the ants will die. But, if you have pets or small children, then make sure that they can not swallow this bait.

Try to maintain the cleanliness of the house, do not leave the rest of the food on the table, regularly take out the trash, keep the spices closed and then the ants will cease to be your problem.

Remedies for ants on the bed

Many gardeners are wondering how to deal with the ants on the site. In fact, they often benefit by killing insect pests. Also their tunnels let the air into the ground. But ants can damage the bark of trees or berries, so it is worth defending them. Here are a few options for how you can fight folk ants with garden ants:

  1. You can just bury an anthill, but after a while a new one will appear next.
  2. The best and safest remedy for ants in the garden is a dug product that scares them away. Put in the ground herring, a slice of lemon or garlic near the plants and soon they will move to a new place.
  3. You can use a variety of sweet baits with yeast or boric acid , which will destroy all the inhabitants of the anthill.
  4. Pour the ashes around the plants, it also scares off these insects.