Felted bags

Ladies handbags do not happen much. Even if you do not have one, you will never be able to refuse a regular purchase, because there can not be an extra bag.

Felted wool bags

If you decide to buy a new handbag, clutch , cosmetic bag or look for a gift for your close friend, we recommend paying special attention to bags made of felted wool or knitted-felted bags.

First, more and more often in our time, decorations and handmade accessories are valued, these bags will attract the enthusiastic views of others. And secondly, this choice will please not only you, but any representative of the fair sex.

Masters who offer us a huge selection of such products have such a huge imagination that the choice of handbags made of felted wool is simply inexhaustible. A variety of shapes, colors, but most striking is the mass of design options.

Here you look at another such masterpiece and you think that it's more than anything that can not be more interesting to think of. And as always you are mistaken: it turns out, there is still much to fantasize.

Felted wool bags have their advantages over others. And the most important thing for us, women, is that you can not find two exactly the same handbags that are made by this method. Even if they are similar to each other, clearly each of them will be with its "zest", which distinguishes them from each other. Another advantage is that these bags are basically seamless.

If there is already such a purse among your accessories, or you still decided to purchase it, then you should not forget that it needs care, like any other woolen thing. You just have to protect it from moths and ventilate it more often, or even better - to walk at important events.