Moderate hepatomegaly

Pathological enlargement of the liver is called hepatomegaly. People of all ages can suffer from this condition. To identify the cause and start treatment of this pathology, you need to conduct a series of studies, and only then determine the treatment strategy.

Symptoms of moderate hepatomegaly

Since the liver increases with hepatomegaly, the first sign is that it can easily be palpated under the ribs. In this case, the patient experiences pain.

In the US examination, signs of moderate hepatomegaly are seen as an increase in baking without structural disturbances in it. With the help of this survey, it is possible to more accurately diagnose "moderate hepatomegaly" and choose the appropriate treatment depending on the underlying disease that led to the pathology.

Causes of mild hepatomegaly

There are many reasons that lead to pathological changes in the liver. Doctors singled out the main ones:

There is also a phenomenon of false hepatomegaly, which develops due to the pathology of the respiratory system, when other enlarged organs expel the liver from under the ribs.

Treatment of moderate hepatomegaly

If moderate hepatomegaly is detected, treatment should be directed to curing the underlying disease, which leads to an increase and inflammation of the liver. It is important to observe a dietary diet during the period of treatment and during rehabilitation, excluding:

Also, treatment should be aimed at eliminating symptoms, that is, directly on the liver. To do this, apply preventive hepatoprotective therapy.

At an early stage of the disease, treatment with folk remedies is acceptable. The most effective recipes of folk medicine: