Feng Shui bed arrangement

The bedroom is the most significant room in any house. In this place, the negative energy of Shi is able to influence the person who is in the power of sleep. Its effects are manifested in the form of lethargy, fatigue and depression. If this is the case, then it is worthwhile to think about the correct arrangement of the bed by feng shui.

How to put a bed on a feng shui?

Correct the situation can be through simple manipulations. First you need to stop sleeping with your feet to the front door and the headboard between the two windows. This direction of the bed on feng shui means the continuous movement of Qi flows, the permanent location between which can provoke betrayal of close people, the breakdown of marriage, problems with sleep and health in general. Also, do not neglect the following tips for installing a bed on a feng shui:

Very different rules apply to bunk beds, which are often used in children's bedrooms . According to feng shui, their installation is unacceptable in any case: above the child occupying the first tier, the "pressure" of the space of the first hangs, and the ceiling hangs over the second, and in the immediate vicinity. In this case, a good alternative would be a folding sofa, harm from which is less than from a bunk bed.