Tomato "Persimmon"

This article will be useful to lovers of large, juicy yellow tomatoes, because in it we'll talk about the tomato variety "Persimmon". The fruits of this variety fully correspond to the appearance of the fruit in honor of which it is named. Tomatoes "Persimmon" are really very similar in appearance and color to a large ripe persimmon. So, let's begin our story with general information about this variety.

Variety description

Tomatoes of the variety "Khurma" grow to a weight of 280-330 grams. Plants are rather tall, sometimes reaching a height of more than one meter. For this reason, in fruitful years, when more than three kilograms of fruits are ripening on one bush, they are recommended to tie them gently to pegs. The flavor characteristics of the tomato "Persimmon" are simply delicious. These tomatoes have a tender and juicy pulp, there is no sourness, a sweetish taste, there is a distinct "tomato" smell, which is not typical of all varieties of yellow tomatoes. These tomatoes are suitable for making tomato juice , all kinds of sauces. The rind is quite strong, so they can be preserved even in slices. And also from tomatoes you get an incredibly tasty and aromatic salad.

This variety is very exacting to the temperature during cultivation, it must constantly remain within 22-26 degrees. A drop in air temperature below 20 degrees is fraught with a halt or slowdown in growth, a deterioration in the flowering process. At the end of the brief description of the tomato variety "Khurma" I would like to advise: it is desirable to grow tomatoes in the northern regions in greenhouses, because a sudden cold snap can ruin the harvest.

Growing seedlings

If you plant seedlings in early March, then it can begin to bear fruit in early July in the southern regions, and at the end of July in the northern regions. For the planting of seeds, we will need the garden land, which we process with a weak solution of Fundazol. We compact the surface of the soil, make a furrow depth of a centimeter, and plant seeds in it. You do not need to drip them much, because they will rise about 90%. Then the soil is sprinkled with water and covers the planting capacity with a film. With germination, we maintain the temperature within 23-25 ​​degrees. Watering is carried out carefully, ideally - spray the water nebulously neatly under the roots. After the emergence of shoots we remove the film, we expose the future seedlings to light. After the appearance of the second present leaf, plants are planted in different containers. A couple of weeks before landing in the open ground seedlings must be hardened, for this they should be taken out on the street for five minutes on the first day, then every day add for a minute. You can not tolerate seedlings immediately after watering, the stems of seedlings must dry out.

Helpful Tips

Now let's get acquainted with some tips from experienced farmers who will certainly be useful to you in cultivating this culture.

  1. Variety "Persimmon" can not boast a high resistance to late blight , so it is not recommended to plant more than 3-4 bushes per square meter.
  2. You should not plant seedlings with growth less than 15 centimeters, it is better to wait until it grows a little. It is desirable that She already had at least six real leaves.
  3. If you want to get ripe tomatoes a week earlier, then you can resort to a little trick. To do this, you need to cut the stem just above the base, the cut must be from 7 to 10 centimeters high, into the middle we insert a wooden stick, which has a thickness of half a centimeter.

Cultivation of a tomato "Persimmon" will allow you to ensure the fruits of your whole family until the deep winter. The last tomatoes should be collected unripened, put in a dark place. Ripening, they remain tasty and fragrant even after a month.