Fertilizers for flowers

Each flower, as well as any other plant, for its growth and flowering requires sunlight, and the appropriate watering, and clean air. But, it turns out, no less important is its proper top dressing. After all, any land is depleted with time. So let's consider what fertilizers like our flowers.

Fertilizers for indoor plants

In flower shops a large selection of fertilizers for flowers is offered, but if you have many different indoor plants, it is better to choose a universal fertilizer that is suitable for all colors. For flowering plants, such as, for example, roses, azaleas, begonias, it is better to choose the appropriate top dressing. Such a fertilizer will contribute to a beautiful and lush bloom. But for deciduous indoor flowers - ficuses, palms, ferns - you need a fertilizer for beautiful foliage. Fertilizers for indoor flowers are dry and liquid. If you have few house plants, it is better to use liquid fertilizers, which must be diluted with water, pour the soil in pots and spray the plant from above. But for a fairly large home garden is more suitable dry fertilizer. It should be diluted in 10 liters of water and pour all the flowers. Another kind of fertilizer for indoor flowers - it's nutritional sticks. They are inserted into the pot with the plant and during the irrigation the fertilizer contained in them gradually dissolves and enters the flower.

Mineral fertilizers for flowers

All fertilizers are divided into two large species - organic and mineral. Organic top dressing consists of waste products of various domestic animals. They also include various composts. Mineral fertilizers are obtained from industrial wastes, which contain magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and many other elements.

Fertilizers for garden flowers

For garden flowers, organic fertilizers are more preferable than mineral fertilizers, provided they are correctly applied. The most important thing for organic manure is that the fertilizer must be completely overbred. In a fresh form, such top dressing can cause a huge damage to the plant, down to the root burns. Organic fertilizers for garden flowers contain the entire set of microelements needed for the plant. In addition, such fertilizers have a good effect on the structure of the soil, making it loose and not so acidic. Mineral fertilizers do not change the structure of the soil, and with improper application, they can even more acidify it.

In order to prolong the charm of a bouquet in a vase, there are special fertilizers for cut flowers that need to be added to the water.

Thus, correctly applying various types of fertilizers, we thereby prolong the life and flowering of our pets.