Compression therapy

Vein diseases affect, mainly, women. They provoke such symptoms as pain, swelling of the legs, heaviness in the feet, limitation of mobility and convulsions. Compression therapy, which is used not only to treat, but also to prevent diseases of deep and superficial veins, helps to remove such symptoms.

What is Compression Treatment?

The presented technique consists in lymphatic drainage. To the special device, which pumps compressed air, hermetically sealed medical boots are connected through the tubes. Depending on the disease and its degree, the appropriate amount of pressure and exposure time are selected. As a rule, the full course of procedures is from 6 to 10 sessions with breaks of 5-7 days.

Indications and contraindications to the conduct of compression therapy

The treatment under consideration is prescribed for such diseases:

Lymphatic drainage is not applied in the following cases:

Compression therapy for varicose veins

It is important to note that the described disease is not treated with lymph drainage. Compression only removes uncomfortable sensations, pain and swelling, is an auxiliary means of drug therapy.

The main effects are achieved by reducing the diameter of the veins, reducing blood viscosity, improving the functionality of the musculoskeletal pump. In addition, compression therapy can increase the fibrinolytic ability of biological fluids, which prevents the appearance of blood clots, has a resorptive effect on existing structures on the venous walls.