What seedlings are planted in January-February?

Another winter frost outside the window, and in the apartments already with might and main begins preparation for a new garden season. The sowing campaign begins at the end of January and it is important not to miss the time to enjoy the opening warmth of blossoming buds and early vegetables.

What is planted in seedlings in January-February?

Depending on the preferences of a particular florist and gardener, there is a choice in favor of what seedlings are planted in January and February. You can try to fit on the windowsills and flower and vegetable crops, or give preference to one thing, but to the maximum extent.

Of the flowers that should be sown on seedlings in January-February, you can recommend the following most vivid and diverse:

This is only an incomplete list of all kinds of flowers that will decorate the garden plot from a spring to late autumn with a bright carpet, if not too lazy and in time to sow them in the winter.

But what vegetable seedlings plant in January and February, summer residents choose from their gastronomic preferences. Traditionally, we have tomatoes, sweet peppers and eggplants. Where there is enough years short, it is better to choose early and mid-season varieties of vegetables, so that they have time to ripen in unfriendly climatic conditions.

Residents of the southern regions can afford and late varieties of tomatoes and eggplant, not doubting that the fruits will have time to mature by autumn.

In addition to popular vegetables, you can sow celery or onion black cherry, the process of growing which is very long and laborious, and therefore it is possible to shorten the time of obtaining the final result. So that the seeds give friendly shoots, they need nutritious soil, good lighting and a suitable temperature of the contents.