Fibroadenoma of the breast - treatment without surgery

Such a violation, as a fibroadenoma of the breast, is a benign formation that occurs as a result of a hormonal imbalance in the body of a woman. At its core, this disease is one of the forms of such a violation, as nodal mastopathy. To identify the disease is quite simple for bright symptoms: a dense, painless knot in the mammary gland that has no connection with the skin, so it is mobile. Its dimensions usually range from 0.2 mm to 5-6 cm in diameter. It should be noted that women of reproductive age are most often affected by this disease, they often encounter a violation of the hormonal background. Let's take a more detailed look at this disease and try to find out if treatment of fibroadenoma of the breast without surgery is possible, and also we will name the main directions of the therapeutic process.

Is fibroadenoma treatment effective without surgery?

As it was said at the very beginning of the article, this violation has a tumor-like nature. And any tumor, regardless of its origin, can be treated only surgically.

Therefore, in the first place, a woman needs to undergo a complete examination to make a diagnosis. If the existing seals in the chest - nothing like fibroadenoma, and this is confirmed by ultrasound, puncture biopsy, histological examination, then the only way out of the situation is surgery. At the same time, using a variety of folk remedies that allegedly contribute to the treatment of breast fibroadenoma, a young woman can only take off the symptoms for a while. However, completely get rid of the disease in this way will not work. Moreover, such therapeutic measures are a waste of precious time, after which fibroadenoma can only increase in size.

How is breast fibroadenoma treated?

As already mentioned above, the only effective method of treating such a disease is a surgical operation. However, one can not help saying that often doctors make conservative treatment before it. It is prescribed only in cases where the size of the tumor is very small (up to 8 mm). But, as practice shows, such actions do not bring a positive effect. Therefore, almost from the first days after the diagnosis, doctors are trying to set up a woman for surgery. A very powerful argument in convincing the patient of the need for surgical intervention is the fact that it is the fibroadenoma (especially its leaf-like form) that is often subjected to the so-called malignant transformation.

The operation to remove this type of tumor in the mammary gland can be performed by 2 types of operations:

  1. Sectoral resection, when the tumor-like formation is removed together with the surrounding tissues. This method is used in those cases when the biopsy performed indicated the presence of malignant cells.
  2. Enucleation, or as it is also called "vyluschivanie" - the removal of an exclusively tumor. It is performed when the fibroadenoma has a benign origin.

Typically, the duration of the operation is no more than 1 hour. It is carried out only under general anesthesia. As for the time spent in the hospital after surgery, everything is individual: from 4-5 hours to 1 day.

Thus, as can be seen from this article, treatment of mammary fibroadenoma is exclusively surgical, and there is no question of folk remedies, as the main method of therapy,.