How to treat hormonal failure?

With such a phenomenon as hormonal failure, women are often confronted, but few know how to treat it. Let's look at the basics of the therapeutic process for the violation of the hormonal background and tell you about what you first need to pay attention to.

How to treat hormonal failure in women?

It is worth noting that when the first symptoms appear, which are a violation of the menstrual cycle , sudden mood swings, unreasonable weakness and fatigue, you need to see a doctor. The earlier the therapeutic process is initiated, the better.

First and foremost, doctors determine the cause of this disorder, on the type of which the treatment of hormonal failure in women directly depends. After that they start correction. The basis for therapy in such cases is estrogen preparations. They are prescribed exclusively by the doctor, which indicates the dosage and duration of administration. Examples of such medicines may be Proginova, Ovestin, Hormoplex, Klimara, Estrofem.

As additional funds are assigned various vitamin complexes, which necessarily include A and E.

How to properly treat hormonal failure in girls?

In girls, this kind of phenomenon can be caused by the instability of the hormonal system itself. This is especially often observed in young girls, when the menstrual cycle is only being established. In such cases the doctor, as a rule, uses expectant tactics.

Hormonal drugs are prescribed for those girls whose hormonal failure occurred with a regular menstrual cycle, against the background of taking, for example, oral contraceptives .

Thus, when a hormonal failure occurs, to find out how to treat it and what to do about it, a woman should seek medical advice.