Candlesticks Clotrimazole from thrush

Today there is no girl who does not face such a disease as thrush. Its cause is the reproduction of the fungus of the genus Candida, which causes the appearance of curdled discharge .

On the market there is a huge amount of pharmaceuticals designed to fight this disease. Special attention deserves the drug Klotrimazol from thrush, which is available in candles, ointments, tablets.

Clotrimazole is a delayed-action drug, with a wide spectrum. Can be used to treat diseases such as dermatophytes, blastomycosis, diseases caused by dimorphic fungi.

The active substance of the drug is clotrimazole, belonging to the group of imidazole derivatives. In small concentrations, the agent has a fungistatic effect, that is, it only stops the growth of the fungus. In large doses, according to the instructions for candles Clotrimazole, the remedy completely destroys the fungal formations.

Mechanism of action

It is the suspension of the process of synthesis of ergosterol, which is the main element in the structure of the cell membrane of fungi. The absence of it leads to significant changes in the structure of the shell, which significantly changes its properties. Its permeability rises, as a result of which lysis of the fungal cell occurs.

Indications for use

Candles from thrush Clotrimazole are an inexpensive remedy, which is prescribed quite often. The main indications for its application can be:


Before using Candlesticks against the clotrimazole yeast, you must hold the toilet of the genital organs, and then insert the candle into the vagina, to a depth of 2-3 cm. This procedure is usually performed before bedtime. Do this in order to completely eliminate mobility, which will allow the drug to absorb completely.

In case of defeat of the disease and genitals, they are lubricated with ointment Clotrimazole. It should be borne in mind that in case of illness it is necessary to treat both sexual partners, which can guarantee the absence of a relapse of the disease. The course of treatment usually takes 3-4 weeks and is carried out until the symptoms of the disease disappear.