Allocations after abortion

The majority of women passed through the procedure of artificial termination of pregnancy and know perfectly well that after abortion they may be expected to bleed spotting. Nevertheless, their nature, often, can indicate the emergence of an infectious process.

Why there are discharges after medical and medical abortion?

  1. The procedure of artificial termination of pregnancy means the removal of the fetal egg, which is actually a single whole with the inner shell of the uterus. Classical medical abortion is accompanied by thorough scraping and causes the presence of abdominal pain and profuse discharge after abortion, significantly exceeding the volume of menstrual bleeding. Scarlet at first, then, the discharge after abortion becomes dark, brown.
  2. Medical abortion, conducted with the help of hormonal drugs, also goes against the background of severe bleeding, which lasts much longer than with a medical abortion. The color of the discharge after this abortion, too, varies from reddish to brown. In combination with normal discharge after an abortion, a woman can notice the yield of a fetal egg with a light pink tint.
  3. But the discharge after the mini-abortion is of a short-term nature, since the fetal egg did not have time to merge with the inner lining of the uterus.

What can be the discharge after a medical abortion?

The risk of infection after abortion is high enough. And the appearance and smell of secretions can tell about it. As a rule, the inflammatory process begins with a rise in temperature. The color of the discharge after abortion changes to yellow. They get a fetid smell. If you do not contact a professional gynecologist in a timely manner, infection will become chronic and cure it will be much more difficult.

Especially often, the complication manifests itself on the 3rd - 4th day after the termination of pregnancy. It should be clarified that infection is unlikely to occur through the fault of medical personnel, since abortion is carried out exclusively with sterile instruments. Simply, some time after abortion, the cervical canal is dilated, therefore, infection into the cavity easily penetrates the vagina.

Impurities in the composition of excreta serve as an indication for ultrasound to confirm the quality of performing an artificial termination of pregnancy. Abundant prolonged bleeding, also, represents a certain danger. Abundant bleeding is considered if within one hour a woman uses about two pads of the maxi standard. The allocation of a larger volume, most often, is a sign of incomplete abortion. Most likely, small particles of the fetal egg continue to remain in the uterine cavity and, thereby, interfere with its contraction and contraction of the blood vessels.

How many go after the abortion?

The female body reacts to the interruption of pregnancy extremely acutely. Operational organ damage and the development of complications can significantly prolong the duration of secretions. In the norm of isolation after classical, medical abortion lasts one week. The maximum period is ten days.

After medical abortion, the discharge smoothly turns into smears and can last up to one month, until the time when the usual menstrual cycle is restored. This process is the norm and should not cause alarm. If the discharge continues at the end of the normal period, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist.