Grass galega - medicinal properties

A perennial plant of the legume family, medicinal gazlega, is popularly called goat, because it is grown mainly for animal feed. Grass with powerful branches, blue flowers and fruits resembling beans, reaches a height of 1 meter and grows in damp places. Medicinal properties are possessed by all parts of the galeg, but there are contraindications, since the plant is poisonous, the dosage should be treated very carefully.

The healing properties of the lawn grass

Infusions and decoctions of goat's milk, which have anthelmintic, diuretic and antibacterial properties, are prepared from all parts of the plant, but the most useful are the leaves and flowers. It is recommended to use phytotherapy at the initial stages of the disease, then the treatment will be more successful.

Traditional medicine has long appreciated the richest composition of the plant:

These are only components of stems and leaves, goat seeds are saturated with sucrose, saponins, various acids, and flowers - flavonoids.

From a medicinal plant, broths and infusions are most often prepared, which are used for the following purposes:

  1. Grass galega, thanks to its therapeutic properties, helps with diabetes , reducing blood sugar.
  2. Therapy with a medicinal plant increases the glycogen content in the liver.
  3. The alkaloid, which secrete the seeds of the gale, is capable of lowering intravenous pressure, narrowing the pupils with local application.
  4. Nursing mothers with the help of decoctions of goat can successfully increase lactation.

Like many other herbs, giga, whose medicinal properties are priceless, has contraindications:

  1. Phytotherapy by goat is not recommended for patients with bowel disorders.
  2. Pregnant women are also on the list, to whom the treatment with galleys is contraindicated.
  3. People suffering from hypotension and hypertension are categorically forbidden to use decoctions and infusions from this plant.


All folk recipes for the treatment of goat are based on two medicinal forms: infusion and decoction. Here are just some of them.




Dry the grass chop, and bring the water to a boil. Then pour the resulting mixture with boiling water, let it brew for 40 minutes and drain. Take 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day.




Crushed dry grass pour boiling water and put on a water bath. After 15 minutes strain the resulting broth and take 70 ml daily for half an hour before meals.

Gale seed infusion



Seeds pour boiling water and insist for 3-4 hours, then strain infusion and take 100 ml 3-4 times a day for an hour before meals.

Glega grass - a honey plant

Grass galega in addition to beneficial properties and obvious contraindications has another wonderful quality: goat is rightly called the best honey. Its flowering, beginning in the middle of May, lasts a whole month, during which time bees manage to remove from one hectare up to 200 kg of honey, after gulping mow for animal feed. The second stage of its blooming falls on the middle of August, which helps insects thoroughly prepare for the winter.

Collection of medicinal plants also occurs during the flowering period, and seeds are removed as they mature. An important point: the collection should take place in ecologically clean areas, away from industrial enterprises and highways, then the health-improving effect of phytotherapy will be more significant.