How to determine the acidity of the soil?

It is often necessary to know the acidity of the soil for planting certain flower or vegetable crops. It is the amount of lime in the ground and is also called the acid-base balance. It should be optimal for the plants to absorb all the nutrients well, and the harvest was qualitative and abundant. The gradation of acidity has five main types: from strongly acidic soils (3-4 pH) to strongly alkaline (8-9 pH). Neutral, in turn, is considered soil with acidity of 6-7 pH.

How to measure the acidity of the soil?

To determine what is the soil on your site, try one of the following ways:

Soil Moisture Meter

A simple device for determining the acidity of the soil can do it yourself. This is not even an instrument, but rather a folk method, which, nevertheless, does an excellent job with this task.

The essence of the method consists in preparing litmus bills. This is done so. Grind the head of red (violet) cabbage and prepare a decoction from it, in which it is necessary to soak the printer paper for a short while. After the strips have dried, you can begin to measure the pH of the soil. Simply moisten the soil sample and squeeze it in a fist together with a strip of indicator paper, so that it gets pretty wet. The color in which the paper is stained, and will tell you about the acidity of the soil. The red color of the paper determines the presence of acid, and green and blue - alkali.