Pruning Grape in Spring - Important Tips and Rules for Beginners

To increase the volume of the harvest pruning the grape in spring is very important. If the plant is not touched and let it grow freely, then the berries gradually grow smaller, and the bush itself is wild. Therefore, you need to timely update the grapes with the help of pruning. Before the beginning of works on the improvement of the vineyard, it is necessary to understand the essence of the measures taken.

Pruning of spring grapes for beginners

In spring, pruning of grapes is made through special tools - a garden knife, a special secateur and a saw. The blades must be very sharp to make a correct and clean cut. A grape saw with fine blades and small teeth cuts the volume and thick parts of the plant, the garden knife is useful for cleaning the area of ​​wounds.

With a regular skillfully trimmed shrubs

Terms of pruning of grapes in spring

Garden pruning is not done when the vine is in the spring sap movement, otherwise the leaky sap will prevent healing of the wounds. If you do not pay attention to this, you can forget about the large harvest, and in the worst case - to destroy the bush. Cropping of grapes in the spring is produced only at the time of awakening the culture after the winter.

If the moment is lost, then only dried old shoots are removed, and the bush molding is carried out by dazzling (eliminating) excess eyes from the vine. The optimal timing of the spring pruning of grapes depends on the climatological zone. The best time is when the temperature on the street has stabilized and keeps at + 5 ° C. In most regions, this period is at the beginning of March.

How to crop prunus in the spring?

When improving the vineyards, correct pruning of the vine in the spring should ensure the production of strong shoots with a thickness of more than 6 mm. On the young vine form the basic skeletal parts - the stem, sleeve and shoulder. Pruning of fruit-bearing shrubs involves leaving the necessary number of branches that will yield a crop and 2-3 stems for rejuvenating the crown.

Rules of pruning of grapes in the spring

Forming a young bush - pruning unconjugated grapes in spring (the process takes 6 years):

  1. In the first year on the vine, all the shoots are cut out, leaving only a couple of eyes.
  2. In the second year, a powerful shoot is cut to 2-3 eyes and tied. The second (spare) is shortened by 2 eyes.
  3. On the 3rd year, the young stem is pruned at the correct height, leaving only 2 upper shoots (sleeves).
  4. For the fourth year, the upper sleeves are reduced in accordance with the grade. During the summer, massive shoots grow with a distance of 20 cm.
  5. On the 5th year last year's shoots are cut, leaving 2 eyes - the coming fruit links.
  6. On the 6th year of the new shoots form a fruit link - the bottom is cut into several eyes.

Besshtambovaja formovka is actual for covering grades. Planted in spring, the seedling is not trimmed, the grown shoots bend over and cover for the winter. In spring, the whole vine is carved, except for the knots of substitution, from which new shoots grow. Pruning grapes for fruiting. Consistency of clearing old thickets:

  1. Cut out weak and dry shoots.
  2. Two productive shoots are left on the sleeves. The bottom is cut into the replacement knot, the rest of the shoot is removed.
  3. As a result of pruning a bush of 4-5 sleeves should form.

The grapes cry after cutting - what should I do?

If after the pruning of the grapes juice flows, what needs to be done is a matter of concern to every gardener. Pasoka is harmful to the vine, it can cause shrinkage of shoots, lower yields, death of the kidneys. Ways to combat this phenomenon:

  1. Painting the cut with oil paint, varnish-balm, closing the wounds with a garden wax . This creates a cork that protects the wound of the vine, reduces the risk of bacteria entering the plant.
  2. Knowledgeable wine growers prefer a fog paint, diluted in linseed oil with the addition of chalk and boric acid. It is necessary to grease with a thick coating the sections and the crying will cease.
  3. On a thin vine, you can gently burn the cutter with a lighter, provoking a blockage of the juice channels.

What to spray grapes after spring pruning?

Deciding how to handle grapes after pruning, it is better to turn to the help of copper sulfate . This agent has antifungal properties and contains a large amount of iron. As a result of spraying, a good protection against parasites will be obtained and a fine fertilizer for the soil, useful to the treated vine. To prepare the solution, take 10 grams of copper sulfate and 10 liters of water. The powder is stirred in a warm liquid and then diluted with residues. The solution is pumped into the sprayer and the grape bushes are irrigated.