Gloxinia - reproduction

Gloxinia or hybrid syningia belongs to the family of Gesneria, native to the mountainous regions of Central and South America. In order to hedge after her winter rest and save gloxinia or please someone with such a flower, it can easily be multiplied. Propagation gloxinia in various ways: seeds, leaf cuttings, peduncles, tubers and leaves.

Propagation of gloxinia with leaf cuttings

Reproduction by leaf cuttings is the most accessible and widespread method.

  1. Cut the cuttings with a sharp clean blade and let dry for a few minutes.
  2. Put in boiled water at room temperature, covered with a transparent plastic bag from above, or planted immediately in a light substrate (a mixture of peat soil, co-soil, vermiculite and sphagnum moss).
  3. Put on a well-lit place, but not in the sun.
  4. Ventilate by taking off the package for a few minutes.
  5. If the edge of the cuttings is rotten, cut it to a healthy tissue, dry it, put it in a new container of water, adding a little activated carbon.
  6. In two weeks they will give roots.
  7. Prepare the soil mixture for planting: take the ground from under the birch or hazel, steal in the oven for 20 minutes, cool and add a little river sand or perlite, finely chopped sphagnum moss.
  8. Put in cups or pots, putting necessarily on the bottom drainage from expanded clay or polystyrene and create a greenhouse effect, putting the cups in a transparent box or covering with a cut off the top of a transparent plastic bottle without a plug.

Reproduction of gloxinia by peduncle

When reproducing with peduncles, it is necessary to know which particular varieties can be multiplied. The process of reproduction is the same as with leaf cuttings, only you should pay attention to the following:

Propagation of gloxinia with seeds

For growing gloxinium from seeds, it is necessary to prepare soil mixture from leaf, turf and peat land with a small amount of sand, steaming it in a microwave at a maximum power of 10 minutes (in a bag with holes).

In a plastic pot, sow seeds, scattering on the surface of the soil, and cover with a film. In 11-15 days there will be shoots. Every day to air for 30-40 minutes, watered rarely, since the hothouse retains moisture. The time of ventilation gradually increase. After the appearance of two real leaflets (approximately two months later), the seedlings can be discarded into separate plastic cups. In order not to damage the roots when planting in the ground, you need to take a seedling with a lump of earth.

Reproduction of gloxinia leaf

Before you can multiply the gloxinium with a leaf, you should choose a leaf without defects in an adult plant.

  1. Cut the disinfected blade with a sheet into several pieces, separating them from the petiole.
  2. Plant the resulting parts of the leaf in a container from the prepared soil mixture from the soil for violets, coconut shavings and sand, pouring it with a hot solution of potassium permanganate for sterility. For small pieces put a piece of polystyrene so that they do not fall.
  3. Cover the container with a packet to create a greenhouse effect, periodically ventilate.
  4. When parts of the sheet have already taken root, remove the package.
  5. In the spring, at the end of March, the nodules formed should be planted in separate pots.

Reproduction of gloxinia tubers

The least effective way. Large healthy tubers are cut into two parts, sprinkling the sections with crushed activated carbon, and planted in the ground. But the sections often rot, gloxins do not germinate for long or even die.

Fine gloxinia is loved and respected by flower growers not only for their beautiful flowering, but also for very simple and diverse ways of reproduction.