Grilled frying pan with lid press

For those who have not yet dealt with a grill pan with a press, the price of this treat may seem too high. However, after the first dish, you begin to understand what exactly money was paid for. The very taste and usefulness of food from the grill has caused the ever growing popularity of this kitchen assistant.

Cast-iron frying pan grill with lid press

So, you came to the store, and now you have to make a choice. There are options with lids and without them, separately sold heavy lids, but not glass, and the most real cast iron. That's it, the last one is the press we need. And why, in fact, we need it?

The whole charm of a grill pan with a press lid is that during cooking you squeeze a little bulk food, thereby getting a good, uniform roasting. This method slightly cuts the cooking time, does not allow the product to lose juice, and allows you to get a crispy crust.

Regardless of whether it is a square or round lid grill press, its size should be slightly less than the size of the frying pan itself. If you choose the size in size, then instead of grilling you will get simply stewed foods. It is the grill pan with a lid of the Granit type press that is perfect for preparing foods pre-marinated. Under the press, they will have time to be fried, but they will not lose juice from the marinade.

In choosing a grill pan with a press, pay attention to the following points:

For obvious reasons, each landlady will reflect, because the numbers on the price tag will be relatively large. But in fact it is a justified purchase. First, you cook almost without oil, and even for a short time. Secondly, cast iron will serve you not just for a long time, it quite claims for the role of a family kitchen assistant, passed from mom to daughter. Therefore, once you spend a good frying pan with the press, but get a real thing for ages.