Second childbirth

A woman planning to have a second child should pay special heed to the advice of doctors, because every subsequent pregnancy can cause more complications. Therefore, gynecologists are advised to give birth to a second child not earlier than two years after the first birth so that the body can fully recover.

How is the second pregnancy and childbirth?

A small interval between births leads to a lack of microelements and vitamins in a woman, and, accordingly, to pathologies in the development of the fetus or to miscarriage. During childbirth a woman undergoes great blood loss, resulting in a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood. Most often, a woman is in no hurry to carry out treatment, and the next pregnancy can result in premature birth, hypotonic bleeding, delayed fetal growth. Often, there is a lack of oxygen and nutrients in the placenta. Incomplete recovery of the internal uterine layer of the endometrium causes bleeding during pregnancy, and also increases the risk of infectious complications. And the interval between births more than 10 years leads to frequent violations in the development of the fetus due to the deteriorated blood supply to the uterus.

How do they pass and how many second births last?

It is believed that the second birth begins earlier and lasts less. And, therefore, it is much easier for a woman to manage. In fact, contractions at second births do take a shorter period of time. The birthmarks of women have already been stretched. If the first birth lasts, as a rule, 10-12 hours, then the duration of the second, usually does not exceed 6 to 8 hours. Efforts are much more effective, as the maturation of the uterus and the onset of second birth occurs more quickly. Features of the flow of second births are that a woman knows how to behave and what to expect, therefore, feels much more confident.

However, there are certain difficulties during the second pregnancy and childbirth. Often, because of the intensity of labor, a woman faces more severe pain. Tears of the cervix during the first birth can lead to weakening of the organ and provoke premature labor. A woman should abandon trips in the last weeks of pregnancy, as the second birth begins, most often, swiftly. The course of labor can be complicated by the presence of chronic diseases and the increased age of a woman.

How does the second birth after cesarean section?

If the first pregnancy ended with childbirth with caesarean section, then the second child should be planned no earlier than four years later. This time is necessary for complete restoration of the uterus. There must be a guarantee that at second birth there will be no divergence of the rumen.

To determine how the second birth will take place in this case, the pregnant woman on the 37th-38th week hospitalized in a hospital. Obstetricians examine the future mother in order to find out whether it is possible to perform spontaneous labor or to repeat the cesarean section. At once it is necessary to specify that natural second births can be resolved only in the absence of complications during pregnancy, head diligence of the child, the mass of the fetus is not more than 3600 grams, a good general condition of the woman.

If irregularities in labor activity are noticed during spontaneous labor, the woman will undergo an emergency operation. Third births, if the first and second have ended with cesarean section, are also performed in an operative way.