Tuya - planting and care

Evergreen coniferous beauty - Thuya will be an excellent element of your landscape style. Varieties and forms of this plant will allow you to make your garden unique and unique. Landing and care of Tui at home does not require much effort and cost. In winter and summer, it will delight your eyes and cause envy of neighbors.

Features of planting and care

Tui - the tree is not fastidious. The plant is planted with seeds or cuttings both in autumn and in spring. It will easily and quickly take root in your garden. But for this you need to know the rules of planting and caring for thuje at home:

  1. Selecting a location . The tree terribly does not like the windy places, nor will it be green under the direct rays of the sun. Ideally, if during the day the shadow will change to warm sunlight. It is possible that Tuy can be planted near the house or other structures, which will periodically obscure it.
  2. The soil . It is enough just to land and care for the tree in an open ground. It is important that there is no clay in the soil. Dig a hole under the root system, put a drain on the bottom, put a small layer of sand on top. After you place your thuja so that the beginning of the trunk is not lower than 10 cm from the surface, because the decay may begin. Fill the roots with damp earth.
  3. Watering . The first year the plant should be watered once a week with a bucket of water, and in a hot period two times. Create a constant moistening of the crown with the help of nebulizers. A year after planting thuja in the garden, care will be a little easier. The tree will already get accustomed, will adapt to the climate and you can water it once a week.
  4. Fertilizer. To feed tjuju it is necessary to begin with the second year of body height. This is done with the help of special fertilizers for needles, which you can buy in the store. In spring and autumn, feed the plant once a month, in the summer - enough once in July.
  5. Warming . In November, you should warm the soil around the thuja. Spread a thick layer of sawdust or ash near the trunk, but do not try to cover the soil with a film. Thuya is resistant to frost, and the film will interfere with the flow of air into the roots.
  6. Crown decoration . Cutting the crown of thuja is necessary from the second year of plant growth. Try to completely cut off the dry branch so that new cuttings begin to appear. The dried up crown can be scattered at the trunk of the thuja to protect the soil from drying out and colds. When your beauty grows to a meter, you can give it a shape (ovoid, pyramidal, round, etc.). In spring, trim the top 10 cm of thuja to accelerate its growth.

What kinds of tuja can be purchased?

The assortment of species of this coniferous plant is great. Mostly they come to us from distant countries. Thuya can be a tree that grows to thirty meters or a beautiful bush. Each variety has its own individualities. So, you can find these kinds of tui in modern stores:

  1. Dwarfish . Tui Teddy, with the correct fit and care will not grow more than half a meter, even after 10 years. Such a variety is mostly planted in pots and decorates the thresholds of their house or window sills. The crone of this tree is bright green and needle-shaped. Tuya releases a lot of cuttings that are tightly pressed against the trunk and creates the shape of a ball. Of course, it needs to be cut once a year to have a neat appearance. For planting it is better to choose a sunny place, but in winter it is necessary to shelter from rays that burn the crown.
  2. Western . This beautiful woman came to us from North America, has a large assortment of forms. Frost-proof, not whimsical, but very much does not like to be long in the shade. Therefore, landing and caring for the western thuja should be done in a sunny place. Spend frequent sprinkling. The plant secretes phytoncides that purify the air.
  3. Western heath-shaped thuja in planting and care is not different from other varieties. She grows a bush with a beautiful evergreen crown. You can create on your site a composition of this kind of tui.