Rosehip - planting and care

Among all garden plants, rosehip is distinguished by a high content of nutrients: it's just a storehouse of vitamins and trace elements! In its fruits there are phosphorus and potassium, zinc and iron, iodine and manganese, as well as carotene and vitamins E, P, K and B. But most of all in the dog rose contains vitamin C. It is thanks to ascorbic acid that this plant has long been valued for its healing and even antiseptic properties.

Infusion and tea from a dogrose are accepted not only with the purpose of treatment, but also for prophylaxis. For this, many prefer to grow in their garden a bush of this useful berries, so that they can harvest and dry the dog-rose in the fall. Let's find out what are the features of planting and caring for garden hips.

Planting of rose in autumn

Plant a dog rose mainly in the autumn time, in October.

Propagate the plant with seeds, seedlings or root layers. When planting the dogrose with seeds, they are harvested in August, until they are too hardened, and in October they are sown in rows by the rows into the soil. Seeds can be sown in the spring, but for better germination they will need to be stratified beforehand.

When propagating by seedlings in October-November immersed cropped up to 8-10 cm of hips to the planting pit, the depth of which is about 20 cm. In advance, it is desirable to add compost, calcareous fertilizers or reparted manure to each pit. The root collar of the seedlings is buried 6-7 cm.

In the same way, they breed the hips with root offspring. In this case, the plant will have signs of the mother's bush. If a good harvest of hips is important for you, the bushes need to be placed side by side, because they belong to cross-pollinated plants. Also, the dog rose can become an excellent hedge.

It is very important to determine the variety of dogrose. You can stay on a plant with a minimum number of thorns or on species of natural varieties with a high percentage of vitamins. The most popular in the middle zone are the wild rose, alpine, needley, gray, wrinkled, cinnamon, apple, Alberta, Fedchenko and Webba.

Rosehip - cultivation and care

In the first year, the dogrose should be watered regularly. Do this not often, but abundantly. In a drought, a young bush requires up to 30 liters of water, and a fruit tree - up to 50 liters.

Feeding is needed for the plant, starting from the third year of its life. These include the introduction of both organic and mineral fertilizers. The latter is made three times: at the beginning of the growing season and during the setting of the fruit - nitrogen, and after harvest - phosphorus and potash. He loves dog rose and liquid top dressing with slurry and fermented bird droppings.

The formation of the bush is important not only for decorative purposes, but also for fruiting the bush. A good harvest of large hips will yield only when its crown is properly formed. By the age of 5 she must have from 6 to 10 strong branches, evenly distributed and of different ages. Pruning is carried out in autumn or early spring. Crop weak and unproductive branches, as well as root shoots, which grew far from the main bush. Strong branches are shortened to 15 cm per year, and the tips of the shoots, which later grow out of them, are pricked to stimulate their branching.

Harvest the dog rose from August to frost - it depends on the variety. Fruits ripen at the same time, so the collection is carried out in several stages. Berries of dog rose tear along with sepals, otherwise they will mold and deteriorate. Then the dogrose is dried in a dehydrator or a simple oven and stored in a cool (10-12 ° C) dark place.

Rosehip is a strong and winter-hardy plant, and most of its varieties do not need shelter for the winter.