Inoculation of cherries in spring

It is known that gardening is often planted with fruit trees such as apple trees, pears, plums, apricots and peaches. However, many site owners are wondering whether it is possible to plant a cherry and how to do it correctly.

How to plant cherries - the timing and material

In fact, cherry is one of the most frequently planted crops. Are engaged in its inoculation in the spring and in the summer. In spring, April and May are suitable for this method, that is, during active sap movement in trees.

But cuttings (graft) for self-inoculation should be prepared in November-December, that is, while in the street severe frosts did not strike. To a greater extent, for the inoculation of cherries in the spring suits are cut, cut from young, but already fruit-bearing trees. The stalk should be 30-40 cm long. However, they should be placed in a cold place, where the temperature will be -2 ⁰ C until spring. A refrigerator is suitable for this purpose. If you did not produce a piece of scion, do this this spring, choosing branches with well-formed buds.

How to properly plant a cherry in the spring?

Generally, there are a lot of methods for grafting trees, however, only a few are suitable for a cherry: kidney grafting (grafting), grafting vagina and grafting per cortex. Let's consider each method in more detail.

If you decide to use the vaccine for the cortex, then keep in mind that you can use 2-3 prepared cuttings. On the stem of the stock, previously shortened, several cuts of the bark to the bottom are made for 2-4 cm. The cuttings in the lower part with a sharp knife perform lateral sections up to 3-4 cm long. Then the bark of the stock is slightly moved away from the wood, where the graft is then gently inserted. And they do this in such a way that the edge of cuttings cuttings for 2-3 mm rises above the cut of the stock. After that, the grafted area should be wrapped with a film and greased with a garden gauze .

If we talk about how to plant cherries in spring in a rotation method, then it is used in cases where the trunk of the rootstock is larger than the stem in the thickness of the graft. The truncated trunk of the stock is split to a depth of 3-4 cm. The end of the cut is cut wedge-shaped, that is, it is thinned from both sides. Then the graft is inserted into the crevice of the stock, tied with a film and greased with a garden gauze.

When budding in a shortened rootstock, cut out a strip of bark with a size of 3x0.5 cm, then cut the kidney cut with a bud and stalk, tie it with a film and grease it with a garden fume.