Kidney transplantation

The first kidney transplant operation was carried out back in 1902. Of course, at once nobody would venture to experiment on a man, so the experimental material was animals. Only 52 years later, a healthy organ was transplanted from a living donor.

Operation of kidney transplantation

It is performed only when there are no other ways to be cured - usually with acute kidney failure. The main indications for the operation are:

Transplantation of the donor kidney consists of two important stages:

  1. Donor. During it, a donor is selected. They can become a relative, whose both kidneys are in place, and they are not infected with infections. The second option is a recently deceased person whose relatives are not against having his organs transplanted. In this case, it is mandatory to carry out a test for compatibility of the kidneys. If the results are positive, the organ is extracted, washed with special compounds and canned.
  2. Recipient. Stage of direct transplantation. To reduce the likelihood of complications after a kidney transplant, the patient's own organs are usually left in place. Connecting a new kidney is a painstaking job. First, vascular anastomoses are superimposed, after which the genito-urinary system is attached. The wound is sewn layer by layer. The finishing touch is the cosmetic suture on top of the skin.

How many live after a kidney transplant?

It is impossible to guess how much the donor organ will work. In different organisms, the process of taking a new kidney is not the same. During the first 24 hours after the operation, the urinary system should normally start working. At this stage, the patient necessarily takes special strong medications.

Life after a kidney transplant will necessarily include a diet. At least for several postoperative months. The menu for each patient is selected separately.

Rejection of organs can begin because of an incorrect reaction of the immune system. But you need to understand that this process is protracted. That is, at one time the donor kidney can not refuse. If you immediately take action - to start taking appropriate medications and procedures - the body can easily get accustomed. So you do not need to despair!