Runic cleansing

For a long time gone into history the ban on magic and sorcery. Today most people are prepared to perceive magical happenings as a matter of course. Some aspects of magic already belong to science and are subject to study. The runes came to us from distant times from the parents of our great-grandfathers and carry hidden energy in the correct symbols drawn on magical objects.

On the runes, you can guess at fate, the outcome of the matter, look into the future, as well as protect yourself and your loved ones from negative external influences.

Immersed in working affairs and everyday vanity, we bring home negative and outside information every day. Say, the news of the death of a relative from the employee: you did not know him, but the sensations are not pleasant. They settle in the home. This is only one of the ocean of examples and proofs that runic cleansing is necessary for every family.

Runic cleansing and protection - what are they?

You can run a runic cleaning and protection at home, in the office, draw staves on yourself.

Becoming is a collection of runic symbols that act on purpose:

And many other desires and requests.

Examples of rune protection

For myself

Apply natural paint (henna, beet, curry) on hand suitable symbols (whichever you do for cleaning and protection) and wear without washing off for 2-4 hours. Do not worry about the primary symptoms: in most people they are identical and this is how a strong runic cleansing of the body and soul goes:

  1. Weakness and dizziness.
  2. Nausea.
  3. Stomach upset.
  4. Apathy and tearfulness.
  5. He pulls to sleep.

For home

If you need a runic cleaning at home, then you need to do a general cleaning first.

Light a light candle on which you draw an appropriate sign from the runes and hang all your home, looking at all corners. Workout will come in the first week and affect you with a splash of emotion , surviving that in your family peace and peace will reign.

For Profit

You can use pictures or create your own drawings, with runic symbols drawn inside them. The picture can also include runic cleaning from spoiling, which also applies to the premises: from the evil eyes of competitors.

Runes help begin as soon as they appear in your personal space. The main thing to remember:

  1. Use magic symbols you should for the purpose, with gratitude and not to the detriment of others.
  2. The situation at the time of the rite of drawing (as well as drawing or creating figures with runic symbols) should be calm and peaceful, positive.
  3. For the sake of interest or playfully to runes it is better not to apply: the punishment will not keep you waiting, and your interest will turn into a serious "fine" of fate.