Moles on face - value

Birthmarks on the body do not simply reflect some kind of physiological process, but also carry a certain information. If you know the value of the location of moles on the face, then you can already at the first meeting to find out about the person a lot of interesting things. There is information that these formations are marks of karma .

Scheme of the meaning of moles on the face

The figure depicts the basic positions of moles, and this will make it easy to determine what they can mean on both the face of a woman and a man:

  1. This label is also called the third eye. Its owners have excellent intuition and constantly develop their knowledge and skills.
  2. This birthmark indicates a passionate temperament. People with such a sign easily lose their temper.
  3. Romanticists have such a mark, but in life they prefer intellectual professions.
  4. A person with such a birthmark is an excellent family man, as well as devoted and generous in a relationship.
  5. Such a mark is evidence of a changeable nature. Its owner just enough to get out of himself. He can boast of the presence of numerous novels.
  6. The significance of this birthmark on the face is this: its owner is an amateur traveling and often fantasizing. For him, the ideal sphere of realization is creativity.
  7. This is a sign that a person is often jealous for no reason and has an egocentric character.
  8. If someone has such a birthmark, then this is a symbol of emotionality.
  9. Such a mark indicates that its owner often suffers from an incomprehensible sense of guilt in a love relationship, and this leads to numerous quarrels.
  10. The value of this mole on the face, both girls and men, is more than good. Its owner has an excellent memory, diplomacy and perfectly assesses the circumstances.
  11. Owners of such birthmarks often take risks and want to receive something forbidden and inaccessible. They also complicate their relationship with the opposite sex.
  12. This label means that the love relationship will be complex and sentimental enough. Such people are immersed in feelings with the head.
  13. People with this label easily reconcile after conflicts, and they also have sexual attraction.
  14. If there is such a mole, it means that a person has an elevated and mystical mindset. His fate will be uncommon.
  15. This birthmark indicates independence and its desire to travel.
  16. A mark in such a place indicates a subconscious desire to have a child. In relationships, such people are generous and loyal.
  17. This birthmark will tell you that its owner likes to shock the public with his scandalous antics and easily seduces the opposite sex.
  18. Holders of such a natural mark are sensual, like to fantasize and show originality.
  19. This sign indicates the desire to find your soul mate, but at the same time its owner is too jealous.
  20. The significance of this birthmark on the face of a woman or a man is negative. People with this label are complex and often fall into depression.
  21. If there is a birthmark in this place is a symbol of a changeable nature
  22. People with such a sign on the face attach great importance to sexual relations, so they are often prone to infidelity.
  23. Such a sign can be seen on the face of people who are striving to achieve incredible heights in life, and this applies to both material and spiritual conditions. They have an analytical mind.
  24. The significance of this mole on the face of a man or a woman will tell you that her owner has poor health and a weak character . In addition, he often feels unprotected.
  25. If a person has a birthmark in this place, then he dreams of creating a strong family. He loves a quiet life and is a conservative.