Cracked corners of the lips - the reason, treatment

In the people cracks and small wounds formed in the corners of the mouth, it is common to call zaedami. This problem is quite widespread. Doctors perfectly know the main reasons for cracking the corners of the lips, and ways of treating them. Both those and others have already been studied quite a lot. Therefore, you can choose the most effective method of therapy even in the most difficult case.

The reasons why the corners of the lips crack

Professionals call zaeda Angulit, cheilitis or angular stomatitis. Start the disease can be unnoticed. But in neglected form, it delivers a lot of discomfort. And not only because jaits look unpleasant. Over time, cracks in the corners of the mouth become deeper, begin to ache, and around them are formed difficult to heal wounds. In some patients, inflamed red spots may even "creep" over the cheeks.

Angulitis can develop under the influence of such factors:

  1. Hypovitaminosis. The lack of vitamins is one of the most common causes of cracking of the corners of the lips. In the risk zone are those people in whose body lacks vitamins A, B and E.
  2. Allergy. Most often, jumping occurs because of the use of substandard cosmetics. But it also happens that angular stomatitis becomes a manifestation of allergies to food, wool, dust.
  3. Inadequate care. Many women are accustomed to moisturize their lips by licking them. This can not be done, because the saliva dries the delicate skin. Moreover, it is forbidden to lick your lips in the wind or frost. If the cause is really inattentive, except for cracks, there will be peeling on the areas of the skin adjacent to the corners of the lips.
  4. Lack of iron. Very often, the cracked corners of the lips are treated due to a lack of iron in the body , and anemia developing on this background.
  5. Diabetes. This reason is rare, but some people have to suffer because of it. The disease affects the mucous membranes and changes their condition. Recognize the ailment is possible by a constant sense of thirst.
  6. Incorrect bite, braces. These causes disrupt the process of a natural outflow of saliva, and it lingers in the corners of the lips. The constant humidity changes the microflora, and inflammation develops.
  7. Caries and other dental diseases. Sometimes the treatment of chapped lips in the corners of the mouth is required because of problems with the teeth. Usually, the danger to the skin is illness in a run-down form. Only in this case the inflammation can spread to the corners of the lips.

Treatment of angular stomatitis

To begin treatment, you need to understand why the corners of the lips crack. Diagnosis should preferably be carried out as quickly as possible. Even a few days of delay can lead to unpleasant consequences - the infection will get into the wound.

You can remove seizures with ointments:

Sometimes you have to resort to antibiotics. Regardless of the cause of angulitis, you should take vitamins.

Treatment of the causes of cracks in the corners of the lips with folk remedies

In the early stages, traditional medicine is most effective:

  1. It is very useful to smear the corners of the lips with aloe juice or Kalanchoe.
  2. Softens the delicate skin of honey. It is best to treat snacks to use motley grass.
  3. From a mixture of finely grated apple and cottage cheese, you get a perfect lip mask.
  4. Make lotions with natural oils: avocado, tea tree, sea buckthorn, olive.
  5. A specific but effective remedy is freshly squeezed garlic juice. They need to lubricate the wounds in the corners and the skin on the lips.

At the time of treatment, you will have to give up bad habits.