Foxy tattoo - the meaning

For many people, fox is associated with cunning and caution, but there are peoples who revere it. There are different versions of tattoos depicting this cheat and if there is a desire to decorate your body with just such a pattern, you need to understand its meaning, as, as is known, tattoos can affect the life and destiny of a person.

What does fox tattoo mean?

Many people relate to this predatory animal in different ways, for example, in China it is considered a symbol of long life and good luck, therefore they use images as an amulet . In Japanese, the figure of a white fox is the embodiment of prosperity and a good life. If in Japan a person chooses this drawing, then he wants to realize his potential and improve his qualities. A fox tattoo with nine tails on the arm or other parts of the body is a symbol of prosperity. It is believed that the owner of such an ornament will bring wealth. Recommended for such a picture and for businessmen.

Scandinavians fox was considered sacred animal treacherous god Loki, so people endowed it with special energy. Foxy tattoos on the thigh and other parts of the body were made by soothsayers, mages and sorcerers. Celts used such a figure as a guard against various problems and dangers. He is also a representation of wisdom and honor. Many people believed that a tattoo of a small or large fox allows a person to enter the afterlife. In ancient Rome, the fox was associated with the demon of fire, which was sent from hell. Such tattoos were chosen for themselves only by people engaged in black magic. The ancient Egyptians also negatively treated the fox, considering it a symbol of debauchery, hypocrisy and vice. There was in Egypt one more variant of a tattoo - the goddess Tolok in the image of a fox. He was considered an intermediary between heaven and earth.

Native Americans to this predatory animal were treated differently, because some believed that it bears in itself good, others saw in the fox only evil and destruction. That's why for every American citizen, the tattoo can have a different interpretation. To convey the negative meaning of a tattoo, a fox is often depicted with a cigarette or pipe, but points are added to represent the positive side and cunning. The Indians considered this predatory animal the protector of all people, as well as an assistant in the treatment of various diseases. At the wrist tattoo bared foxes inflicted by doctors, hunters, warriors and shamans. The Nordic peoples considered such a drawing a symbol of an awakening nature and a new life. Even at this place, a bracelet consisting of two foxes was stuffed, this indicated a developed intuition, which helped to reveal the deception.

The fox tattoo on the forearm or anywhere else symbolizes also independence, wit and ambition. For the inhabitants of Korea, this animal means female sexuality and the continuation of the genus. For the Peruvians, the tattoo of a fox personified a warrior. Such a design endowed its owner with intelligence and strength. Many are interested in what tattoo fox means for women, and so for the fair sex, such a figure is a symbol of brightness, selfishness and prudence. A girl with such a tattoo knows her own worth, and she is ready to go to the trick just to achieve the goal .

Foxy tattoos on the leg and on other parts of the body can also be seen in men who are independent, resourceful, intelligent and ambitious. They are not afraid of anything and can easily find a way out in a difficult situation. The figure of this cunning animal allows the representatives of the stronger sex to strengthen all these qualities. Because the fox was considered a fiery animal, blacksmiths applied its image to their body to protect themselves from burns.