Stone mother-of-pearl - magical properties

Mother of pearl is obtained from some shellfish and sea animals. It is worth noting that scientists have determined that this stone is one of the most powerful substances on Earth. The color and purity of this stone depends on where it lives and what the shellfish feed on.

Magic properties of pearl stone

The energy of this stone is ideal for people in a relationship . The mineral allows you to strengthen the union, establish contact and keep the peace and peace in the house. Using jewelry with mother-of-pearl, a person can realize his mistakes and draw the right conclusions. It is worth noting the quality of mother-of-pearl, which allows you to ensure material well-being. For this, it is recommended to have a house made of this stone at home. Ornaments with this mineral can be protected from various kinds of negativity. The stone will be able to attract various changes and other positive events to its owner. In ancient times, pearls were made from mother-of-pearl, as people believed that this mineral purifies water and saturates it with positive energy.

The healing properties of mother-of-pearl

Traditional healers used this stone in the treatment of many diseases since ancient times. Today mother-of-pearl is used to improve overall performance, strengthen immunity and recharge. In modern cosmetology, white mother-of-pearl is used to prepare various creams that make it possible to whiten the face, getting rid of pigment spots.

Who is suitable for mother-of-pearl?

It is recommended to use this mineral for Pisces, which are in a depressed state, and also it will help the representatives of this sign to attract good luck and achieve their goal , giving them self-confidence. The magical properties of mother-of-pearl will be appreciated by the Aquarians, who want to achieve recognition and peace of mind. Still the mineral will give self-confidence. It is not recommended to use this stone to Gemini.