Turquoise Stone - Magic Properties

Turquoise has been used since ancient times not only in ornaments, but also in magical rites. For example, the Persians considered the stone a talisman of luck , helping not only in ordinary life, but also in war. The strength of the mineral is confirmed even by the fact that throughout life it changes color in several stages, becoming darker.

Magic properties of turquoise stone

Many people consider this mineral to be an indicator of health, for example, if it has lost its brightness and acquired a green tint - this is a sign of the development of some disease. From turquoise, you can make a beautiful talisman to get rid of insomnia. To do this, you need to have a mineral framed in silver. If the product is made of gold, it will improve health and strengthen immunity. The magical and curative properties of turquoise are the ability to improve eyesight and get rid of headaches. The stone helps to fight colds and improve the skin condition. In ancient times, people believed that a mineral has the ability to stop bleeding and treat a stomach ulcer.

Turquoise is an excellent soothing means, so, with its help, you can reduce aggression, get rid of angry thoughts, restore peace, etc. There is a huge amount of evidence of the influence of the positive energy of the stone, which helps its owner to choose the right goal in life, to get rid of uncertainty and to protect himself from various kinds of troubles.

Basic magical properties of turquoise:

  1. Thanks to the huge energy, the stone allows its owner to achieve great heights and gain credibility among the surrounding people.
  2. Gold decoration with turquoise is a wonderful talisman for attracting money.
  3. A mineral is important in a love relationship. He is not only a symbol of loyalty, but also helps to survive the separation and unhappy love.
  4. The magical properties of green turquoise consist in its strength and wisdom accumulated throughout life. It helps to survive crises in relationships, and also to remain faithful.

It is not recommended to use jewelry and any other products from this mineral by leading a dishonest fight. For insincere and embittered people, a stone can become a definite punishment, because it will draw to itself various problems and misfortunes.

The magic of turquoise

Often a stone is used in carrying out various rituals that help achieve the desired goal.

Rite for the preservation of relations . Take a few small pieces of turquoise and sew in your underwear to your loved one. It is believed that until the stones are found, the partner will be as fascinated.

Rite to attract money . It is necessary to conduct it on the first day of the new moon. Clamp the stone in the fist and imagine that there is a lot of money around, various blessings and pleasures. When there are plenty of desires, go out into the street, look then for a month, then for a stone for a few minutes. Thus, you will get a turquoise guard, which you must always carry with you.

Rite to attract love . To conduct it, you need to have a red silk handkerchief, a church candle, a turquoise with a smooth surface. Before sunrise, lay a handkerchief on the table, put a stone in it and put a candle. When the sun begins to rise, drop on the mineral the essential oil of the rose and light the candle. In the flame itself, also drip the oil, and then take the candle in your left hand and drive it around the turquoise clockwise. During the ritual, one must constantly think about the object of adoration. Leave the candle burning, and then wrap everything in a handkerchief and leave it on the table until the new moon.