The Hall of Elk

The Slavic horoscope (The Swarovski Circle) in the eleventh sector, which is called the Elk of Los, unites people born from April 17 to May 9. The patroness of his is the Slavic goddess of love and beauty Lada. She protects the family and children, teaches them sincerity, understanding and mutual respect.

Characteristics of the People of the Hall

The Protecting Goddess granted her wards remarkable qualities:

  1. These people are distinguished by diligence and willingness to undertake any, even the most difficult work. Even if they are not interested in them, they will perform it in good faith and honestly and carry out the work that has been begun until the end.
  2. The elk's chamber, describing the people who enter it, notes that they have an amazing connection with nature: in the spring they are filled with strength and energy, which increase during the summer and reach their apogee towards the fall, but with the coming of winter their strengths weaken, there is fatigue and apathy .
  3. They are good at the art of the word and can convince anyone in anything, but they do not often use this gift.
  4. At the same time, people united in the Elk Belt give too much importance to personal peace and comfort, which often prevents them from achieving high results and occupying a worthy place in life.

As a rule, they are very cautious in the choice of friends: they do not have a wide range of close people, but friends are real. At the same time they have only one adviser - they are themselves. Representatives of the Elk Hall prefer to implement their own plans and do not seek to implement other people's ideas. They can equally well feel themselves in complete isolation , and in a noisy company, where, nevertheless, they will keep themselves apart.

The guard and the symbol of the elk of Elk

The chamber of Elk has its own charm, and it is better if it is made of yellow metal. Silver - for them is not very useful: it adds to them imbalances and impulsiveness. But gold gives joy and a happy well-to-do life. The copper amulet will help to improve health and get rid of the influence of alien negative energy.