Petunia, seeding seeds for seedlings - the cunning of seasoned florists

Many people are interested in petunia , seeding seeds for seedlings, cunning of growing a beautiful flower. If you have a place on the windowsill, you can easily get the required number of seedlings, but with strict adherence to the technology of breeding ornamental plants in the room.

How to grow petunia seedlings?

Any cultivation of petunia seedlings begins with the acquisition of planting material, the quality of the seeds directly affects the germination capacity. Otherwise, the florist risks to waste a lot of time or grow flowers of a completely different kind. There are several tips that help to avoid common seeds when buying seeds or ornamental crops.

How to choose good petunia seeds:

  1. Seeds of expensive known varieties and hybrids of petunia are packaged individually, if in one package up to 100 pellets, then this should definitely alert the florist.
  2. The imported planting material of well-known domestic firms can not be cheap.
  3. Try not to buy seeds in hypermarkets and on the streets, in specialized stores there is less risk of buying a fake.
  4. Check the presence on the bags of marks on the percentage of germination, shelf life and the date of packaging.
  5. A good germination is characterized by granulated seeds packed in a separate plastic flask.

When to plant a petunia on the seedlings?

People who are attracted to petunia, seeding seeds for seedlings, the tricks of obtaining healthy sprouts, you need to know exactly the time of planting flowers. The choice of the date depends on when you want to receive seedlings ready for transplanting into the open ground. On average, the seedlings are grown in room conditions for 70-90 days. Proceeding from this time interval, it is necessary to calculate the individual terms of sowing their petunia seeds for seedlings. For example, when planting plants at the dacha at the end of May, the planting of flowers should start from the end of February to the middle of March.

How correctly to plant petunia on seedlings?

There are old, time-tested ways of planting petunias on seedlings, and new, newly invented methods for obtaining strong seedlings. In this case, various tricks and devices, stimulants and disinfectants are used that help increase the germination rate and prevent the spread of diseases. It can not be called difficult the process of growing petunia, seeding seeds for seedlings, cunning here are their own, but they are easy to implement at home.

Simple ways to sow seeds of petunias on seedlings:

  1. Sowing of petunia by mixing the planting material with river sand. This trick helps to easily distribute seeds on the soil surface. Sprinkle them shallowly - up to 2 mm, gently spraying the soil with a spray gun. It is forbidden to pour water from the watering can, in this case there is a risk of strong penetration of seeds, which is critical for germination.
  2. Sowing a petunia on a thin layer of pure snow. On a white cover it is convenient to lay out the seeds, distributing them evenly in the container. When melting snow, they themselves are buried in the soil.
  3. Sowing petunia with toothpicks in cassettes. This trick is good to use with a small amount of material. We pick up the seeds with a wet toothpick and shake them to the ground with the help of a second dry stick.

Seedlings of petunia in peat tablets

To solve this task, you do not need to invent some trick. The main condition - the presence of tablets with a diameter of up to 4 cm. A couple of hours soak them in water, so that the substrate is swollen, excess moisture is drained from the pallet. Next, the petunia is planted in peat tablets for seedlings, by neatly spreading the seeds into a recess. For convenience, use wet matches or toothpicks. In the end, you can moisten the tablet with a pulverizer, so that the granules are well soaked. Cover the tray with film and keep it in a warm place at a temperature of at least 25 ° C.

Planting petunias on seedlings in the cochlea

The snail is a relatively new and still uncommon trick that helps to obtain excellent results when sowing seeds from many cultures. Interestingly, the soil for planting petunia on seedlings is not required here. In this case, paper towels and plastic bags are required. Next, add our "cake" so that the cellophane is bottom. As a stimulant we use the solution of Ecopin (2-3 drops of the drug per 1 liter of water) or Epin .

The tricks of growing petunia in the cochlea:

  1. Spray the napkin with a solution of the stimulator from the spray gun.
  2. On the edge of a paper towel, lay out evenly the seeds, retreating no more than 1 cm.
  3. Cover the crops with a towel moistened in the stimulator.
  4. We twist napkins and polyethylene in the form of a tube.
  5. We fix the resulting "cochlea" with an elastic band.
  6. Marker sign the name of the variety.
  7. We put the "snails" in a container, which is filled 1/3 with a nutrient solution.
  8. At the top, the containers are covered with bags and placed in a warm place (22-25 ° C).
  9. Daily crops should not be ventilated for long.

How to care for petunia seedlings after sprouting?

Regardless of the way in which petunia is grown, planting seedlings and caring for seedlings requires increased attention. Seedlings from the soil appear in a week, from this moment do not forget to produce 15 minutes of ventilation every day. Lower the temperature to 18-20 ° C. It is desirable to moisten the soil so that no drops form on the leaves. When using peat tablets, fertilizing is not needed, petunia in this case is not squeaked. Seedlings are transplanted into the pot completely with a peat moss, when the roots begin to poke out from the tablet.

How to picket petunia seedlings?

In good conditions, petunia grows quickly, seeding seeds for seedlings, cunnings for caring for seedlings include such an important point as picking plants. Even with the use of peat tablets, tightening with this process leads to the drying of roots and inhibition of growth. Pikunka petunii on seedlings produced in cassettes or individual pots. Roots of a long length are slightly pricked and distributed in the soil. To reduce the stretching of flowers, they are transferred to a cool balcony or veranda.

How to feed a petunia seedlings for growth?

The first fertilizing of petunia seedlings for growth is made not earlier than a week after the picking process with 3-4 leaves. In the first phase of growth, plants require nitrogen, which is present in nitrosfos, azofosca, urea. The approximate concentration of these fertilizers is up to 10 g per bucket of water. We fertilize the soil with fertilizers, without wetting the leaves to avoid burns. Consumption of liquid with top dressing - about a teaspoon per cup with sprouts. The next feeding is done with an ash solution after a week, soaking 2 spoons of ash per 1 liter of water.

How to highlight the petunia seedlings?

Studying all the tricks that help to grow seedlings of ornamental plants, one should not overlook the issue of organizing high-quality lighting for young plants. In the task, when to start highlighting petunia seedlings, it all depends on the timing of sowing. From the middle of spring at 12 o'clock in the daytime on a light window-sill natural light for petunia is enough, but in the winter months the boxes are slightly illuminated by the sun's rays, which causes unwanted stretching of the shoots. In February-January, it is advisable to switch on the lamps from 7 am to 10 pm.

Why do petunia seedlings fall and die?

There are various diseases of petunia seedlings that can destroy delicate plantings of decorative culture. First, we list the reasons that affect the poor germination of plants: improper storage of material, seeding seeds in the soil with a strong penetration, too hard granules do not dissolve and do not germinate. After emergence, flower growers can not relax, tender sprouts lie in wait for diseases that quickly develop when the technology of growing flowers is violated.

Petunia seedling diseases:

  1. Black leg - a fungal disease that affects seedlings at high humidity, leads to thinning and refraction of the stem.
  2. Chlorosis - yellowing of leaves due to a lack of iron, is treated with "Iron Chelation", "FeroVit" or similar drugs.
  3. Extraction of sprouts - the disease causes a high temperature of the medium in poor light.
  4. Stopping or a strong slowdown in growth - the whole cunning lies in the poor nutrition of petunia and the small volume of the container. Seed transplantation or fertilizing with complex fertilizers will help.