Reproduction of blackberries cuttings in summer

Many people like to enjoy the fruits of the blackberry garden. But few people suspect that you can grow a bush with your own hands. One of the main questions that concern the real summer resident is the reproduction of the blackberry with cuttings in the summer. This is not surprising, since the bush after planting grows in one place for a long time - about 10 years in one place. Tasty and juicy berries are a storehouse of vitamins .

Reproduction of blackberry garden cuttings

For the middle band, the appropriate time for breeding blackberries is the beginning of July. During this period cuttings with one kidney are cut from shoots. The most suitable part of them is the top. Lower kidneys are not taken into account.

Cuttings will take root better if treated with 0.3% indolyl-butyric acid. After that, they are put in small containers. Preliminarily fill the bottles with soil. The best place for containers is a greenhouse or a special camera. The main thing is to create an atmosphere of artificial mist with absolute humidity. A month after the appearance of roots for the bush are found a permanent place. Experienced summer residents know everything about the reproduction of blackberries cuttings in the water. For this purpose, the selected cuttings are stored in the cellar for 2-3 months. Then you just need to make sure that they do not dry up. In February - March they are moved to a jar of water and put on a window sill. First, leaves and buds will appear, and then the roots. As soon as the soil dries, cuttings are planted in a permanent place.

Reproduction by green cuttings

Given that not all varieties are rooted with lignified cuttings, they resort to another method of breeding. This list includes blackberry tornfri. Reproduction by green cuttings in this case is much more urgent.

Breeding by green cuttings is possible for varieties of blackberry creeping, as well as more valuable forms. To it also resort, when at a parent bush it is formed too many offsprings.

Thus, having mastered the method of propagation of garden blackberry cuttings, you can grow this wonderful plant with tasty and healthy fruits.