Indoor fern - leaves dry

Despite the popular signs that the fern in the house is threatened with loneliness, many growers simply do not represent their homes without this wonderful plant. But often enough they are faced with the fact that the leaves of the fern turn yellow and dry. Why this happens and what to do if the leaves near the indoor fern dry, we'll talk in our article.

Why do the leaves dry at the ferns?

The main causes of fern leaf drying:

  1. The most common cause of yellowing and drying of leaves in all types of indoor ferns is the elementary failure to observe the rules of caring for it. Most often the floriculturist faces this problem during the transition periods in the fall and spring, when the heating in the apartment is either already turned on or not yet turned off. Excessive heat in the room in combination with the over-dried air coming from the radiators leads to the fact that the ferns first dry the tips of the leaves, and then all the leaves completely.
  2. The second possible cause of leaf drying at the fern may be a violation of the drinking regime. It's not a secret that it's difficult to determine whether the earth's lump in the pot is soaked in water completely or whether the water of just a glass in the tray is on its walls. Meanwhile, it is very important that the earth in the pot with the fern is constantly moist, but not poured.
  3. The third cause, which causes yellowing and drying of the leaves of the fern, are pests, for example, scutes. Their active life on the fern leads to the fact that its tender leaves die and crumble.

What if the leaves dry at the fern?

If the green pet began to lose its decorative, the first thing to do is to inspect it for the presence of pests on the leaves. The fight with the scabbard is a rather difficult task, requiring the use of toxic insecticides. If it is found, then the damaged leaves should be carefully removed and then treated with a special preparation.

In the event that the leaves of the fern turn yellow and dry because of the increased dryness of the air in the room, the situation can be corrected by bringing the humidity in the room to normal values. To do this, leave the fern away from the radiator, and cover the radiator with a damp cloth. You can also install a pot with a fern on the grate in a tray filled with water.

If the fern loses its beauty due to a violation of the drinking regime, then it can be resuscitated in the following way: it is necessary to immerse the pot with it in a container with standing tap water and to withstand until the soil in the pot is impregnated. Such "bathing" will help bring to life even almost completely dried fern.