Abortive herbs

Abortive medicinal plants are such herbs, after consuming decoctions of which there is a miscarriage. At once it is necessary to note that applying them alone is dangerous for the health of a woman who, after carrying out such an abortion, in some cases will no longer be able to have children.

What abortive herbs can be used for an abortion?

First of all, among these plants must be called those that contain alkaloids in their composition. These include a dirt earthen, sporish, lobelia, autumn crocus, mandrake. These abortive herbs can be used at an early date (up to 16 weeks). They all increase the frequency and intensity of uterine contractions, which leads to the expulsion of the embryo from the uterine cavity. It is worth noting that these plants are dangerous and can cause severe intoxication. Therefore, if they are used improperly, problems may arise in the woman herself, up to a lethal outcome.

Strong abortifacial herbs include those plants that contain essential oils in their composition. Among those can be called tansy, rosemary, sage. The mechanism of their action is based on suppression of the nervous system of the fetus, which ultimately leads to miscarriage.

Separately, among abortive herbs, it is necessary to call a bay leaf, which women often use to interrupt pregnancy.

There are also such plants, which after their adoption change the level of estrogen in the body of a pregnant woman. These properties are such grasses as clover meadow, oregano.

What abortive herbs can be used at a later date?

In such cases plants that possess a haemostatic effect can be used. They lead to an increase in the uterine tone, and thus cause the fetus to be expelled outward. An example of such a plant can be barberry. When carrying out an abortion, alcoholic tincture from its roots is most often used.

It is worth noting that this kind of action carries a great danger to the organism of the woman herself. Moreover, the termination of pregnancy in this way on a long term is ineffective. However, this method can be applied up to 28 weeks.

A similar action is also possessed by such abortive herb as elecampane used for abortion.

Why is it dangerous to interrupt pregnancy in this way?

In most cases, the use of such herbs does not give 100% guarantee that the pregnancy will be interrupted definitively. It can often be that the fetal death occurs, but the uterus does not expel it outside. In this case, the woman needs to see a doctor who will inspect and, if necessary, purge the uterine cavity.