Papillomavirus infection in women

Not so long ago it was believed that the papillomavirus, causing the appearance of warts is not particularly important. But recent studies have shown that HPV has a fairly serious pathogenic potential, and the infection caused by it is characterized by a high incidence rate.

Papillomaviruses, getting on the mucous membranes or skin, first penetrate into the cytoplasm of the cell, and then into its nucleus and cause damage to its genetic apparatus.

Currently, there are about three hundred types of this virus, among which are types of HPV with high, medium and low oncogenic risk.

  1. HPV types 16 and 18 lead to the development of cervical cancer, anal cancer, vulva and vagina.
  2. To low-oncogenic types include 6 and 11 types of HPV. They are the cause of the appearance in women of genital warts and vulva.

Causes of papillomavirus infection in women

Papillomavirus is most often transmitted from its carrier by sexual way. You can get infected from a person with HPV, or from a person who does not have the manifestations of the disease, but at the same time he is his carrier.

Infection occurs with genital, oral, anal contact. Scientists found that papillomavirus infection is more common in women who have had more than three sexual partners.

A person becomes infected when the virus enters the body through various skin lesions. If the virus enters the intact skin, then no infection occurs.

After getting infected with HPV, getting rid of it is completely impossible. Throughout his life he will be present in the human body. The main risk factors for HPV are:

Symptoms and signs of papillomavirus infection in women

The incubation period of this infection is 1-9 months. At this time the papillomavirus does not manifest itself.

Symptoms of papillomavirus infection can be peaked and intraepithelial condylomata. As a rule, they are located on the large and small labia, in the groin-femoral, between the buttocks, around the anus, the perineum, the vagina, the cervix.

  1. Pointed condylomas are papillate growths with a bright red or whitish shade, depending on the stage of development.
  2. Intraepithelial - are neoplasms on the stem, similar to the inflorescence of cauliflower or the cock of a cock of light pink color.

Diagnosis of papillomavirus infection

For the diagnosis of papillomavirus infection, the following are used:

The basis for the diagnosis is the presence of symptoms and complaints from the woman.

Treatment of papillomavirus infection in women

Treatment of this disease consists, first of all, in the removal of genital warts by various methods: surgical, cryodestruction, electrocoagulation, radio waves, laser destruction.

But it is necessary to understand that the papillomavirus infection is not completely cured and the medicine capable of destroying its pathogen is not invented.

In connection with this removal of tumors on the skin, HPV treatment reduces to strengthening immunity with the help of immunomodulating medications.