Bromkampora with mastopathy - instruction

A benign tumor, a disease of the alveoli, ducts and fatty tissue of the breast - this is how mastopathy is determined. According to statistics, this diagnosis is the most common among the complications associated with the mammary glands. Ways to overcome this ailment a lot, among them, you can especially note the use of bromocamphor.

Bromampaphor for mastopathy

Mastopathy is inherently a malfunction in the work of the hormonal background. Accordingly, to eliminate it, you need to put in order the raging hormones. In this and help bromkamfora. About the composition of the drug bromkamfory with mastopathy, the instruction says that this is a synthetic combination medicine, the main active ingredient of which is camphor bromide. It has a calming effect on the activity of the brain and reduces the excitability of the body as a whole. For the course of treatment with the drug bromkamfora in tablets, the instruction recommends the dosage of 1-2 tablets depending on the soreness of the sensations, 2-3 times a day, for the powder - 150-500 mg as well, 2-3 times a day.

Bromocamphor tablets for stopping lactation

Mastopathy, along with lactostasis, is often the result of attempts to abruptly stop breastfeeding. If there is a need to interrupt lactation due to the circumstances, then doctors advise also to start taking bromocamphor. Regarding the dosage of bromocampor for stopping lactation, the instruction recommends taking two tablets after meals 2-3 times a day.

Opinion of women

In general, about receiving bromkamfory mastopathy reviews from women are only positive. This drug helps not only cope with the painful state of the chest, but also has a beneficial soothing effect on the entire body. However, as well as before you start taking any drug, talk to your doctor.