Tingling in the mammary gland

Often, girls have complaints of various kinds of tingling in the chest. And they are not always harmless - sometimes they indicate the development of a disease.

Tingling in the mammary gland causes

Pain in the chest is usually divided into two types, depending on what it produces:

Pain manifestations in the form of tingling can be caused by a number of changes occurring within the glandular tissue:

  1. The most common cause is the menstrual cycle, when regularly several days before the menstruation of the breast swell, giving the feeling that the tunic is in the mammary gland.
  2. During pregnancy or lactation , when the milk ducts are modified and prepared for the feeding process.
  3. Tingling causes and mastopathy in the developmental stage, as well as neoplasms and adipose.
  4. Diseases of the thyroid gland (violations in the production of female sex hormones cause such pain).
  5. The formation of the sebaceous cyst sometimes also causes a tingling in the mammary gland.
  6. The formation of benign or, far more dangerous, malignant tumors.

The first two reasons (cyclic) can not be considered symptoms of the disease, but only by the side effects of natural processes occurring in the body of a woman of reproductive age. The rest - a real reason for concern, when you need to turn to a gynecologist and mammologist for a full examination.

Features of tingling pain in the mammary gland

Before you panic and look for signs of a terrible illness, you must carefully listen to the pain and watch it. If the tunic is in the left mammary gland, then this may indicate the presence of problems:

In the event that tingling is not associated with menstruation or pregnancy, causing significant pain and discomfort, it is worth immediately contacting a mammologist to establish an accurate diagnosis and treatment at an early stage of the disease.