Roentgen of the spine

One of the conservative methods of diagnosing injuries and diseases of the spine is X-ray. This is the most simple and inexpensive way to identify many of the problems associated with deformity of the spine. But depending on the degree of injury and localization of the injury, there are several options for conducting such a survey.

X-ray of the cervical spine

Indications for the x-ray of the cervical spine are headaches or short-term dizziness during a sharp tilt of the head or turn of the neck. Pictures are taken in two projections. In frequent cases, in order to make an x-ray of the cervical spine, the examination is conducted through the open mouth. After the doctor analyzes the pictures and reveals the severity of the disease. Special preparation of the x-ray of the cervical spine does not require.

X-ray of the lumbar spine

For the X-ray of the lumbar spine preparation is necessary. How to prepare for the X-ray of the spine? Two days before the survey, you need to exclude from the diet those products that provoke the formation of gases in the intestine, because such effects can distort the image. On the day before the examination, it is worth taking medications to relieve flatulence, as well as skipping dinner. The X-ray of the lumbar spine is carried out on an empty stomach, after cleansing the intestine with an enema. Only this way the picture will be as accurate and simple as possible for reading. In the same regime, the X-ray of the lumbosacral spine is also performed.

Chest X-ray of the spine

Pain in the chest or abdomen can be an indication for an X-ray of the thoracic spine. Such a survey is conducted without preparation. For more information and accuracy of diagnosis, the image is taken in several projections. The results are analyzed by a radiologist. Then the vertebrologist appoints treatment if necessary.

What diseases can identify the X-ray of the spine?

The X-ray of the spine is effective:

How do X-rays of the spine?

In the office of X-ray you will be asked to take off your clothes to the waist and body jewelry. The x-ray of the spine will be informative if you followed all the rules for preparing for the survey, and also listened attentively to all the commands of the doctor who conducted the X-ray. It can ask you to rotate several times, depending on the desired number of shots in different projections.

The frequency of the procedure is calculated by a doctor-radiologist, depending on the severity of the disease and the dose of radiation received. It is worth noting that modern radiology devices are equipped with a program, which significantly reduces the dose of radiation per procedure. This allows you to conduct surveys more often and without much risk. But after the X-ray procedure, it will still be superfluous to ask the doctor to write down the radiation dose in your card to calculate the possibility of subsequent X-ray examinations.

X-ray of the spine at home

There are outreach services that can, if necessary, make an X-ray of the spine at home. But, firstly, such a procedure can be very expensive, and secondly, as a rule, the picture is inaccurate, which makes diagnosis difficult.