What is hemorrhoids, and how to treat all kinds of diseases?

This problem is faced by 8 people out of 10, therefore, what is hemorrhoids and what are its first symptoms, it is important to know everyone in order to seek medical help on time and not aggravate the state of affairs. The effectiveness of therapy depends on how quickly treatment was started. In severe cases, radical measures are needed - a surgical operation.

Hemorrhoids - what is it?

This ailment is a varicose veins of the rectum. He is not selective: it affects both men and women. The trigger mechanism of this problem is stagnant processes caused by a malfunction in the circulation of blood. This happens when the influx is intense, and the outflow is slow. At this point, low-elastic vessels are full of blood, because of what they increase in volume. As a result, an inflammatory process is observed. In addition, the vessels are intertwined, which provokes the formation of nodes. Due to the fact that the capillaries are full of blood, hemorrhage is observed.

The expansion of the veins of the rectum by the mechanism of origin is differentiated into such types:

In this case, the acquired hemorrhoids are as follows:

In the area of ​​localization of education can be:

What is internal hemorrhoids?

This varicose expansion of the vessels of the rectum, located under the mucous tissue. At the initial stage the pathology proceeds more often asymptomatically. Internal hemorrhoids undergo four stages of development:

  1. The first stage is characterized by the presence of small nodules. When traumatized with calves, they can exudate exudate. Patients report slight burning and itching around the anus. In addition, in fecal masses can be blood blotches. However, they are so tiny that you can not see them with the naked eye.
  2. The second stage - hemorrhoidal nodes increase in size, so the patient experiences a constant sense of the presence of a foreign body. Strong load (for example, lifting weights) is accompanied by the exit of the knobs from the anus, but after a while they are hiding themselves. At this stage of the pathology, the patient fully understands what is hemorrhoids: every defecation causes considerable pain. In fecal masses there are spotting. In addition, the patient may be anemic.
  3. The third stage - knots increase to such sizes, that at an insignificant loading drop out from an anal aperture. You need to manually enter them: they do not return there. This stage of the pathology is accompanied by acute pain, cracks in the rectum and inflammation.
  4. The fourth stage is a neglected form of internal varicose veins. Hemorrhoidal nodes constantly hang, they can not be turned inside. The patient experiences constant pain at this stage of the ailment, which is aggravated by sitting and exercising.

Dangerous and complications arising from internal hemorrhoids. More often such negative consequences are noted:

  1. Thrombosis of the veins - it was triggered by stagnation of blood in the hemorrhoids. Cones become cyanotic, inflame and swell. All this is accompanied by painful sensations.
  2. Necrotizing the dropping nodules - this complication is observed at the fourth stage of pathology.
  3. Anemia is caused by persistent bleeding. As a result, there is a deterioration in immunity and a decline in strength.
  4. Weakening the anal valve - there is a release of liquid stool and incontinence of gases.

What is external hemorrhoids?

It is a cavity formation that is filled with venous blood. This cone is formed by the walls of dilated vessels in the anus. External hemorrhoids are rarely accompanied by bloody discharge. This pathology has three stages of development:

  1. The initial form - after defecation or consumption of edible or salty foods, there is a strong itching and burning sensation in the anus.
  2. The second stage - swelling of the hemorrhoids increases. In addition, painful sensations become more intense, because of which there is no possibility to conduct a palpation examination.
  3. The launched form - inflammation affects subcutaneous fat and nearby tissues. Necrosis of separate sites is often observed.

More common are such complications:

What does hemorrhoids look like?

These are falling out of the anus or located near it widened from varicose veins. Outwardly they resemble cones. The color and size of this formation depend on the stage of hemorrhoids. For example, the external pathology at the first stage looks like a small dense bundle. At the next stage of development the lump increases in size and inflames, so it becomes reddish. At the started form of pathology the site acquires a claret-cyanotic shade.

Why does hemorrhoids arise?

There are many trigger mechanisms that provoke the formation of this problem. That's why hemorrhoids are more common than usual:

  1. Unbalanced nutrition - this disease is often diagnosed in those who like to eat tightly. Obstruction of smoked foods, sweets and fatty food causes constipation. As a result, pressure on the vessels located in the pelvic area increases. All this leads to the formation of cones filled with venous blood.
  2. Intensive physical activity - more often this pathology is manifested in bodybuilders, loaders, weightlifters and other persons lifting weights.
  3. Addiction to alcohol - alcohol expands the vessels of the rectum, while increasing the flow of blood to the veins located in the rectal canal.
  4. The sedentary lifestyle - sedentary work and passive rest (at the TV or at the computer) promote stagnation of a blood in a small basin.
  5. Pregnancy - during this period, the cardiovascular system of the body experiences increased stress. In addition, the growing uterus aggravates the situation, which occupies most of the abdominal cavity and squeezes the vessels of the small pelvis. As a result, venous congestion occurs.
  6. Hereditary predisposition - if one of the relatives suffered from a similar intestinal disease, it is likely that you will learn firsthand what hemorrhoids are.
  7. Psychological reasons - it is scientifically proven that the emotional state is closely interrelated with physical health. Excessive stress and overexertion negatively affect the work of the immune system, which increases susceptibility to disease.
  8. Anal sex - the anus and rectum are physiologically not adapted for this, because of what the risk of injury to the mucous membrane is great.

Bleeding in hemorrhoids

For this symptom of pathology, the following peculiarities are characteristic:

  1. It occurs after severe exertion or during defecation.
  2. First comes the dark blood, then a pulsating trickle of scarlet.
  3. The problem does not bother the patient when he is at rest.

It is important to know what is dangerous bleeding in hemorrhoids. More often it stops on its own. However, in severe cases, medical intervention is required. Immediately call an ambulance if:

How to treat hemorrhoids at home?

At the initial stage, conservative therapy is effective. She should prescribe a doctor. Varicose veins of hemorrhoidal veins are treated only after the doctor is convinced of the authenticity of the diagnosis. To do this, he can recommend the patient to undergo such diagnostic procedures:

Knowing what hemorrhoids are and making sure that this problem exists, the doctor will make appointments. All the prescribed medications the patient can apply at home, and afterwards it is necessary to appear on a scheduled appointment with a doctor so that he can evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment. However, the result will only be if all the prescriptions of the doctor are unconditionally observed.

Effective candles from hemorrhoids

Rectal suppositories are often prescribed:

Cream for hemorrhoids

The composition is applied to the damaged areas twice a day (in the morning and before bedtime). To rub a preparation do not recommend. More often prescribed such a remedy for hemorrhoids:

Hemorrhoids Tablets

Conditionally, all prescription drugs in this form of release can be divided into the following groups:

More often appoint such medicine from a hemorrhoids in tablets:

Treatment of hemorrhoids folk remedies

Alternative medicine can not completely replace medical therapy. Folk remedies for hemorrhoids should be considered only as auxiliary "preparations". Their use should be carried out under the supervision of the attending physician. He not only knows what hemorrhoids are, but can also help get rid of this problem. As an auxiliary therapy, the doctor will recommend the use of such plant materials:

Diet for hemorrhoids

Consumed food can either alleviate, or aggravate the patient's condition. If there was an expansion of hemorrhoidal veins, the following corrections should be made into food:

  1. Intestine should work in an uninterrupted mode. Provide this will help foods rich in fiber.
  2. To soften the stool, it is important to consume a sufficient amount of liquid.
  3. Do not abuse wheat bran.
  4. The food should be fractional and regular.
  5. It is necessary to minimize the use of spicy and pickled dishes, smoked products.

Surgical treatment of hemorrhoids

If conservative therapy is useless, then the doctor will recommend surgery. He understands what is triggered hemorrhoids and how hard it is for a patient to live with it. For this reason, the doctor will not hesitate with the recommendations. Since it is no longer possible to cure hemorrhoids, surgical intervention is the only solution to this problem. However, even after the operation, the patient should not be relaxed, as the probability of a recurrence of the disease persists.

Minimally invasive treatment of hemorrhoids

This is a surgical procedure that delivers minimal damage. After the operation with hemorrhoids has been performed, the rehabilitation of patients is faster and easier. Minimally invasive treatment is prescribed in 75% of cases after diagnosis of the disease. To it resort more often, than to any other surgical intervention. It is often prescribed, if external hemorrhoids, treatment proceeds without special complications.

Minimally invasive methods include such manipulations:

Operation Longo with hemorrhoids

This surgical intervention is carried out as follows:

  1. The patient is given a local anesthetic. Then stretch the anus with special staples.
  2. The expander is inserted into the rectum (it is fixed with four sutures), and a device reminiscent of an anoscope is inserted into the rectum.
  3. A circulatory stapler is placed in the intestine. Stitches are tightened, and the ends of threads are threaded into special gaps in the stapler.
  4. With the help of a circulatory knife, the doctor conducts removal of hemorrhoids with a small portion of the mucosa.
  5. The ends of the wound are held together by a stapler.
  6. The doctor removes the devices inserted into the rectum and checks to see if the patient has bleeding. If necessary, seams with absorbable threads are additionally applied.

Removal of hemorrhoids by laser

Indications for the implementation of this procedure:

The laser procedure is performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia. To remove internal formations, an anoscope is additionally used. And the technique of performing the operation depends a lot on the size of the nodes. If the bump is small, just cauterize her leg. Large foci should be completely removed, since otherwise there is a high risk that a relapse will occur. Knowing what is a hemorrhoids launched, the doctor may consider it necessary to perform sclerotherapy simultaneously with a laser operation.