Why does the dead grandmother live?

Indestructible spiritual connection of generations, genetic or memory of blood are things to which official science is skeptical. Hypothetically, it allows their existence, but scientists can not support this theory with serious evidence yet.

The emergence of the same hypothesis about the continuous energy relationship between us and our ancestors was facilitated by observations of various unusual cases, from the appearance of "ghosts" and poltergeists, and ending with dreams in which the deceased relatives are alive. Most often in such dreams, people see their grandmothers. And even scientists do not doubt that these night visions carry certain information in themselves, which can be listened to. Even if you do not take your dreams seriously, you can at least try to understand what the living dead grandmother dreams about. Especially if the dream made a strong negative or positive impression on you, and you woke up in a sweat from the experienced fear or, on the contrary, woke up in an extremely upbeat mood.

What does a living dead grandma dream about?

In order to interpret the dream correctly, it is necessary to try to remember as much detail as possible. For example, whether there was a living grandmother who was already dead, happy or sad, whether she said anything, whether she gave advice or money, etc. If in a dream a person has recently seen a live, deceased relative, this dream indicates that he misses her so much and can not yet accept the pain of loss. And another such dream can talk about changes in life, for example, about marriage.

Lunar dream book on the question of what the living deceased relatives dream of, in particular the grandmother, answers like this: a merry grandmother dreams of success, sad foreshadows the appearance of any problems in life. According to Miller's dream book, if a dead grandmother dreams a living, then a person will soon have to undergo some test or experience a loss. While talking in a dream with this cousin, one should remember her words as best as possible and follow the advice she gives. If your grandmother insists that you give her some kind of promise, then, in reality, you will soon be responsible for your actions. If she gives something in a dream, you should expect a lot of luck.

If in a dream you saw how you kiss a resurrected grandmother, then you should be afraid of any loss. But this does not mean that they will be negative, on the contrary, you can get rid of illness, debts , unfulfilled promises, etc. If your grandmother kissed someone else from relatives in your dream, then the losses will be of a financial nature, and you should prepare for unforeseen expenses. The dream in which you embrace the living late grandmother, presages a long period without illnesses and serious problems. If in a dream you feed grandmother, it means that your conscience is burdensome, and you do not know how to get rid of it. And such a dream can speak to brides about the infidelity of the future husband or about the insincerity of his feelings.

Why does the deceased grandmother live, but then she dies in a dream?

Sometimes we can dream that the dead grandmother is alive, but then she dies. And such a dream should definitely be regarded as a warning. If you clearly saw the moment of death of your grandmother, then you should expect some bad news. If in a dream the grandmother not only died before your eyes, but then you also saw her lying in a coffin, then it's worth starting to take a closer look at your own actions. It is very likely that soon your actions will provoke a major quarrel with relatives.