How to reduce the acidity of the stomach?

The first and most obvious symptom of increasing the acidity of the stomach, which makes you think about how to lower it, is heartburn. In addition, if the acidity of the stomach is disturbed, abdominal pain, belch with a sour or bitter aftertaste, a tendency to constipation may be observed.

Drugs that reduce the acidity of the stomach

Directly to reduce the level of acid production in the stomach affects two groups of drugs:

1. Proton pump inhibitors:

Preparations of this group are considered to be most effective in the treatment of increased acidity, however, in order to achieve a stable effect, they require taking courses.

2. H2-histamine receptor blockers:

These drugs effectively reduce the acidity of the stomach, but they affect the hormonal background, and for long-term use are not intended.

Another group of drugs, most widely used directly for the removal of symptoms of increased acidity, primarily heartburn, are antacids - drugs that neutralize excess acid in the stomach. They are also divided into two groups, which differ in the speed of the onset of the therapeutic effect and its duration:

1. Suction. They start to act almost instantly, but the effect is not too long. In addition, they can lead to a syndrome of "ricochet" (a secondary increase in the level of acid), as well as increased gas separation, which causes increased eructations and flatulence. Such antacids include:

Of all these drugs, in order to reduce the acidity of the stomach at home, most often used soda (sodium carbonate), a teaspoon of which is dissolved in water and drunk.

2. Nonabsorbing antacids. The drug effect comes somewhat later, but it is longer, and there are practically no side effects. These include tools such as:

How to reduce the acidity of the stomach folk remedies?

From home remedies, for lowering the acidity of the stomach, first of all, such herbs as:

Herbs brew and drink in the form of teas for 1-2 glasses a day. They are good at the initial stages of gastritis with high acidity . In the more severe forms of the disease, the herbs are used as special charges.

Collection number 1


Preparation and use

Herbs are mixed in equal proportions. 2 tablespoons of the collection pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and insist 3 hours in a thermos. Take 100 ml every 1.5-2 hours after eating.

Collection number 2


Preparation and use

The mixture is brewed at the rate of 2 tablespoons of the collection per 1 liter of boiling water. Insist and drink the same way as in the previous case.

In addition, effective powder for the rapid reduction of acidity is considered egg shell powder, ginger root and tincture from the root of ayr.

From food products, lower the acidity of the stomach:

Oatmeal and oat broth directly affect the acidity, but have an enveloping effect and improve digestion, so that their use is also shown.