How to treat bedsores?

Bedsores - unpleasant changes that occur in the tissues of the body. It is generally accepted that this problem concerns only bedridden patients. Indeed, for people bedridden, information about how to treat bedsores is of great value. But also for those who can move freely, it is not recommended to neglect it.

How to prevent the occurrence of pressure sores?

Bedsores appear in the case when the pressure on a certain area of ​​the body from the outside exceeds the internal pressure on the walls of the vessels. Accordingly, it is not only bedridden patients who can be better at treating bedsores. Dying tissue begins after two hours of continuous exposure to them. That is, bedsore can be formed even in a healthy person who was sitting in one position and for some reason did not change his pose.

A person who is able to move freely, change the position is not difficult, but bedridden patients require special care. Worry about how to treat bedsores, you need after you notice on the body swelling and redness. In the affected areas very often begins to exfoliate the skin. If these symptoms are neglected, gradually the problem will penetrate deeper and deeper into the tissue. And though bedsores are not too painful, they need to be treated. Treatment of the problem even at the initial stages requires special attention. It is necessary to be prepared and to the fact that the process of recovery can take a long time.

To avoid having to think about how to treat pressure ulcers on the coccyx, back, buttocks or any other part of the body, it is recommended to follow such rules when caring for bed patients:

  1. If the diagnosis does not require the opposite, the mattress in the bed should be soft, the bed - comfortable.
  2. A patient who can not move at all, once every two hours, must be turned over.
  3. Make sure that the parts of the body on which the patient is lying are not sweaty and are not banned. They can be processed with special sprays, powders and napkins.
  4. Bedding should be changed regularly, so that the atmosphere favorable for reproduction of microbes is not created.
  5. In the pelvic area, you can put inflatable circles or special pads.

How to treat deep purulent bedsores?

If the problem does appear, you must immediately begin a fight with it. Hygienic treatment of affected areas is mandatory. Dead skin particles should be removed very carefully to prevent the development of bacteria. Without a backbone, the resulting wounds can not heal. Such means can contribute to skin regeneration:

Pressure sores on the heel, buttocks and other places, the easier it is to treat them. For processing, you can use rosehip oil, Kalanchoe juice or aloe, hydrogen peroxide.

Ignored digestion must be cleaned. The most thorough cleaning can be done by a specialist. You will only have to follow his instructions when treatment of the wound (after removal of the pus, the bedsore must be treated with even greater care).

How to treat bedsores with folk remedies?

There are several tips for treating decubitus in folk medicine:

  1. Ranki heal faster thanks to packs of raw potatoes.
  2. To restore the skin in the place of decubitus, it is enough to sprinkle it with starch.
  3. Very effective lotions with a decoction of marigold .
  4. You can avoid bedsores by filling a mattress with oats or a mixture of dried herbs.