Gelatin from black spots

To remove black dots from the face, you can use mask-strips. But really effective cosmetics are quite expensive. If you want to thoroughly cleanse the skin and do not spend a lot of money on it, use gelatin from black dots. With it, you can make a mask that is soft, but at the same time it will really deepen the pores , pulling off fat and dirt from them.

Mask with gelatin and activated carbon

The most effective remedy for black spots is a mask with gelatin and low-fat milk. It contributes to the careful exfoliation of the upper toxic contaminated layer of the epidermis, quickly rejuvenates the skin and perfectly satiates it with various substances useful to the body.

Mask of gelatin and milk


Preparation and application

Grind the coal. Mix it with gelatin and add milk. Stir the mixture thoroughly and put it in a microwave for about 20-25 seconds. When the composition is slightly cool, apply it to the face. Remove this mask against black dots with gelatin, gently picking up the film, from the neck to the forehead.

Mask of gelatin and protein

If you want to remove comedones and narrow pores, it is best to make a face mask from black dots with gelatin and protein.


Preparation and application

Mix the dry gelatin with milk and heat the mixture (this can be done in a microwave oven). After cooling the mass, enter the protein into it. After mixing everything very carefully, apply a mixture of face. To remove this mask from black dots with food gelatin, prepared according to this recipe, you need in 15 minutes. If you have a lot of gums, apply to the skin at least 3 layers of this product and wait for it to dry completely, otherwise it will be removed in small parts and you will have to spend a lot of time deleting it. After applying this mask, you should always moisturize your skin with a cream.