Lavender oil for face

The composition of lavender essential oil includes about 250 useful trace elements. It has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, copes well with pathogenic microbes and saturates the skin with various useful substances. That is why, using lavender oil for the face, you can solve many problems and get rid of such unpleasant defects as acne.

Masks with lavender oil

Do you have sensitive skin? Because of severe dryness, redness appears? In these cases, the use of lavender oil is very beneficial for the face. It will help restore normal water balance and moisturize the skin. Apply it in its purest form is not worth it. It is better to make a mask.

Recipe mask with avocado oil


Preparation and application

Stir well the oils. Apply to the skin. Wash off after 25 minutes with water.

For the fading face skin is ideal mask with essential oil of lavender and apple.

The recipe for an apple mask


Preparation and application

Bake an apple and cool it. Remove from it the peel and mash the flesh with a fork. Add the apple puree honey, olive oil and lavender oil and mix well. Apply the mixture to your face for 15 minutes.

Peeling with rice and lavender oil

Regular use of lavender essential oil in peeling for the face will help you to quickly cleanse the skin , normalize microcirculation and exfoliate all dead cells.

Scrub Recipe


Preparation and application

Raw rice to grind (you can do it in a coffee grinder). Add oil and mix well. Soft circular motions rub the resulting product over the skin. After 10 minutes, wash it off with water.

If after such a peeling for the skin of your face you see redness, apply lavender oil on them. It will destroy all microbes and bacteria and accelerate the recovery processes.