Acid peeling for the face

Acid peeling for the face is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures. This wonderful tool is known to mankind for many centuries, they were equally enjoyed by ancient Egyptians and medieval young ladies. The goal for both of them was one: a beautiful, even complexion, skin without acne, freckles, wrinkles and other visible defects. In the fact that one can solve all these problems, it is hard to believe. And, nevertheless, it really is.

Principle of acid peeling

Acid peeling works according to the following scheme:

According to the depth of exposure, acid peeling is divided into 3 categories: superficial, middle and deep. Each of the species penetrates into a specific layer of the skin - epidermis, dermis and hypodermis, respectively. The stronger the acid, the more dangerous the procedure, and therefore the median acid peeling is recommended to be performed by a cosmetologist, and a deep one can be done only in medical institutions.

Can I do acid peeling at home?

Easy peeling can be done by yourself, the main thing is to choose the right cosmetic. First of all you need to know which acid is most suitable for you:

All of them are actively used in preparations with the help of which they make a surface acid peeling, but they act in different ways:

  1. Fruit acids are good for young skin, without pronounced age changes. With their help you can improve the complexion, improve the tone and elasticity of the skin, get rid of light freckles and acne.
  2. Almond acid helps to smooth the scars and relieve inflammation.
  3. Means with salicylic acid are good for teenagers, they struggle with acne and acne.
  4. Lactic acid has a pronounced rejuvenating effect, therefore it will be useful for mature skin.
  5. Retinoic and glycol peels are the safest, and have a wide range of action. They are suitable for all skin types.