Cultivation of cucumbers in a greenhouse

Many gardeners have already tried this method of growing cucumbers. Those who succeeded the first time, repeat this method annually, and less successful experimenters abandon this venture. So that you can grow cucumbers from the first time, you need to know a few rules.

Cucumber seeds for greenhouses

Cultivation of cucumbers in the greenhouse begins with the planting of seeds and the preparation of seedlings. If you have a film greenhouse, you can grow seedlings for it on the windowsill of the house. In the period from April 2nd to 25th, it is necessary to plant seeds, then in the first half of May it will be possible to drop everything into the ground.

For a greenhouse made of cellular polycarbonate, the seeds of cucumbers are not pre-germinated. They are grown immediately in place on a small patch. Sow seeds preferably in the 20-th of April, then from the middle of May you can arrange cucumbers all over the area of ​​the greenhouse.

Technology of growing cucumbers in a greenhouse

Before planting cucumbers in a greenhouse, it must be prepared. From autumn or early spring it is necessary to disinfect the greenhouse with a special solution. In 10 liters of water dilute the tablet of the drug "Tenta-vir", there are added two tablets of oxychrome. For every 20 square meters, all 10 liters are consumed.

Cultivation of cucumbers in the greenhouse begins with the preparation of the soil. The following ingredients must be mixed thoroughly:

It should be remembered that the root system of the cucumber is weak, therefore it is very sensitive to the quality of the soil. That is why without quality fertilizer, your garden will not yield a crop.

Do not forget about mineral fertilizers: 15 grams of ammonium nitrate, about 25 g of ammonium sulphate, 20-30 g of superphosphates, 20 g of potassium chloride. All is calculated for an area of ​​1 sq.m.

A mandatory point of care for cucumbers in the greenhouse is a constant control of humidity. When soil moisture is reduced to 10%, cucumbers cease to grow at all. The most optimal humidity can be considered 90% for air, and 95% for soil. At the same time, excessive overmoistening of the soil can not be tolerated. If you do it too intensively, it will provoke a lack of air. As a result, the root system slows down its growth and development, and can completely die out.

Cucumbers in a winter greenhouse are grown in shelves, limited in the volume of soil. Thus, plants very quickly experience a limitation in development, because they use moisture and nutrients. Be sure to monitor the moisture of the soil: before fruiting watering do 2-3 times, it all depends on the dryness of the soil. Do not forget about the humidity. To do this, moisten pipes, bricks, soil surfaces: all this creates evaporation and favorable conditions for the growth of cucumbers.

Aphids in cucumbers in the greenhouse

The whitefly (aphids) damages the leaves of the plant, sucking the juice out of them. In addition, the rich selection can provoke the formation of black mushrooms, from which the leaves turn black and dry out.

The first important measure to eliminate this problem is the destruction of all weeds. All the windows and doors must be covered with gauze. You can make glue traps. A layer of bright yellow or white paint is applied to a piece of plywood. The surface is smeared with petroleum jelly, rosin with honey, castor oil: when the insect sits on a bright attractive spot, it sticks to the surface.

Periodically, spray plants with clean water, paying special attention to the bottom of the leaf.