Pests of cauliflower and their control

Cauliflower can be attacked by various insects. The greatest danger is posed by pests of cabbage during its early development, and combating them is a very urgent issue.

How to save cauliflower from pests?

Faced with the defeat of plants, farmers ask the question: how to treat cauliflower from pests? His decision will depend on what kind of type you are facing.

The main pests of cauliflower are:

  1. Cruciferous flea - damages young leaves. They appear small holes, they dry up, and the cabbage dies. Harm is caused by adults and larvae. To prevent their reproduction, regular weeding should be carried out. In hot sunny weather, it is recommended to cover the shoots with a transparent nonwoven material, which does not allow air to pass through. Effective folk remedies: dusting with slaked lime, a mixture of ash and tobacco dust, the use of glue traps. As drugs used "Akletik", "Bancol", "Decis", "Karate", "Bi-58".
  2. Cabbage aphids . It feeds on the juice of the leaves, causing them to discolor, and then twisting. At the same time, the development of cabbage in plants and the formation of seeds stops. Protection of cauliflower from pests consists in preventive measures: weeding, autumn digging of soil and burning of plant residues. At the first signs of the appearance of aphids, folk remedies are used: rubbing the leaves with soapy water, decoctions from potato tops and tomatoes, garlic, onions, tobacco. With extensive damage using "Carbophos", "Antio", "Decis Extra", "Rovikurt."
  3. Cruciferous bugs - pierce the peel of the leaves and suck out their juice. They excrete saliva, which leads to the necrosis of leaf cells. Control measures consist in the regular weeding and use of such means as "Fosbetsid" and "Aktellik".
  4. Cabbage leaf - eaters eat large holes in the leaves. Cabbage is pollinated with slaked lime or a mixture of ash with tobacco dust in the morning. Effective drugs "Bankol" and "Actellik."
  5. The cabbage scoop is a night butterfly, laying eggs on the underside of the leaf. Caterpillars appear from them, the period of their development is about 2 months. It is they who cause cabbage harm: they gnaw leaves, and then get inside the head. At the initial stage of the defeat, manual collection of eggs and caterpillars takes place. Then drugs are used: microbiological ("Dipel", "Lepitocide") or chemical ("Bazudin", "Zeta", "Aktellik", "Diazinon", "Fosbetsid").

Timely detection and control of cauliflower pests directly affect the quality and quantity of your future crop.