Diffuse changes in myometrium

Myometrium is the muscular tissue of the uterus, covered from the inside by a layer of the endometrium. It plays an important role in childbirth, as rhythmic contractions help the fetus move through the birth canal.

Such movements are carried out among themselves by special bundles of smooth myocytes (long elongated cells that make up the bulk of the muscle tissue). The frequency and strength of these contractions in the body are regulated by the hormones estrogen, progesterone and oxytocin, which are formed during certain periods of the menstrual cycle, as well as during pregnancy.

Diffuse changes in myometrium (endometriosis) are benign tumor formation, which is caused by the malfunctioning of endometrial cells, which provoke atypical proliferation of the mucosa. The structure of the myometrium becomes diffusely-inhomogeneous. This diagnosis is terrible in that almost every third case is accompanied by infertility. Typically, such changes are characterized by a diffuse process (endometrial cells grow into the thickness of the myometrium). However, there are cases of nodular form concentrated on one site (the so-called diffuse focal changes in myometrium).

Diffuse changes in myometrium are the causes

  1. Such a phenomenon can be caused by traumatic births, diagnostic curettage of the uterus cavity , abortion, or other intra-uterine intervention. It is assumed that the bent endometrial particles with internal injuries give rise to the development of the disease.
  2. Also, the cause may be a genetic predisposition, associated with a violation of the development of the necessary hormones.
  3. The most significant are nevertheless the shifts of the neuroendocrine system, which can be triggered by severe stresses, malnutrition, infections and other diseases that have arisen under external influences.

Symptoms of diffuse changes in myometrium

Usually the symptoms of diffuse changes in the myometrium are manifested in the form of painful periods, pains in the lower abdomen during sexual intercourse, urination and during ovulation. Possible sudden bleeding in the intervals between menstruations. Infertility is the first sign of such formations.

Diffuse changes in myometrium - treatment

There are two main methods of treatment: