Chinese carnation

Chinese carnation is a perennial plant, the birthplace of which is China. In the decorative culture of carnations already from 1702, and during this time, many selections were carried out and a great variety of varieties were selected.

The Chinese carnation very pleases an eye with the bright color, therefore is an ideal plant for cultivation in house conditions. It will perfectly decorate your balcony or window sills, adding brightness to the apartment. No worse than it will take root in the garden in the garden, adding a bright color spot to the overall picture.

Chinese carnation - cultivation

Planting a Chinese carnation can be done in two ways - to get ready seedlings or to grow a Chinese clove from seeds. If the first problem is not, then with growing cloves from the seeds should be sorted out in more detail.

So, for planting seeds of Chinese carnation, loose, well-moistened soil is used. On the surface of the soil laid seeds, which must be covered from above with vermiculite. There is no need to cover the seeds with glass on top or tighten with a film, no, since the Chinese clove is a sufficiently cold-resistant plant. Sprouts appear on the third or fourth day. The first time the carnation is sensitive enough to the nighttime temperature changes, so it's impossible to allow the temperature to drop below 18 degrees Celsius at night. When it has been four weeks since the appearance of the shoots, the temperature may drop to 15 degrees, and it is even desirable that the plants do not strongly stretch from the heat.

Plant a Chinese carnation in a warm, sunny place. The soil before planting should be fertilized and well drained, as the clove simply does not tolerate water stagnation.

Chinese carnation - care

Caring for the Chinese carnation - it's simple and very simple, as the carnation does not require any special care measures. You just need to carefully treat the plant, keep a close eye on it and perform the few care measures that cloves need.

  1. Watering . The land between watering must dry up, that is, it is impossible to water the carnation too often. But you can not let it dry up. That is, watering should be moderate. Over time, you will find the ideal watering frequency for your carnation.
  2. Top dressing . When fertilizing cloves with fertilizers, you also need to observe moderation. In general, with respect to these plants, moderation is needed in everything. If you grow a Chinese carnation at home, then it is necessary to feed it once a week or two weeks, depending on the soil in which you grow cloves. If you grow a Chinese carnation in the open ground, then it is necessary to fertilize it with calcium fertilizers, starting from the second year of life.
  3. Pests . To harm the carnation of Chinese can aphids , spider mites and rust. To protect the plant from these pests, it must be sprayed with Bordeaux liquid . Damaged parts of the plant are cut off.
  4. Wintering . As already mentioned, the Chinese carnation very well tolerates the cold, so before winter the carnation perennial is cut by ten centimeters above the surface. More cloves are nothing required for a good wintering. But if you live in a region where there are very strong frosts, just in case the flowers are better still a little warm.

Chinese carnation - reproduction

The Chinese carnation reproduces with seeds, which are formed in the capsules at the end of August, and also by seedlings. There is already a choice for you in how to propagate cloves - just choose a method that is more convenient for you.

The Chinese carnation is a wonderful decoration for both the house and the garden, the care of which does not make much trouble.