Gebodez-N - indications for use

There are situations when the body needs urgent blood purification - poisoning , acute intoxication, internal infection, infectious processes. In all these cases, the use of a dropper with a solution that is close in composition to the blood plasma is indicated. One such remedy is Hemodez-H, whose indications for use are very wide.

Hemodez-N - instruction on the use of the drug

The composition of the solution for Hemodez-N infusions at first glance seems rather complicated:

In fact, the active ingredient is one - povidone with a relative molecular mass of 12 600 + 2700. This polymer compound has the property of attracting toxic substances to itself. The remaining components of the drug - a water-salt solution with ions of potassium, sodium, magnesium and calcium, which is designed to dilute the blood and remove toxins associated with molecules of povidone, from the body with urine.

Indications for use Hemodeza-H:

The action of Hemodesis occurs almost instantaneously. The drug is injected into the blood by a drip, before it should be heated to body temperature. Dosage is calculated individually depending on the severity of intoxication, weight and age of the patient. The maximum daily dose of the drug also depends on age. Children up to a year are allowed to pour 50 ml, from 2 to 5 years - 70 ml, from 6 to 9 years - 100 ml, from 10 to 15 years - 200 ml of Gemodeza-N per day. Adult patients can take up to 400 ml of the drug per day.

The drug should be administered as slowly as possible. The highest rate of intravenous infusion is 80 drops per minute, the optimal speed is 40 drops per minute. With an increase in the rate of possible side effects due to heart failure - tachycardia, difficulty breathing, hypotension.

Does Hemodez-H help with alcohol poisoning?

Often infusions of Hemodesis are used to normalize the state of overdose with drugs and alcohol, the medicine is one of the first aid means in such situations. However, it is important to know that Hemodez is contraindicated in people suffering from kidney failure and individual sensitivity to the drug. Identify these factors in extreme conditions usually there is no possibility. Therefore, an emergency infusion of Hemodesis is permissible only in cases where the potential benefit exceeds the potential harm from side effects.

The drug was not tested during pregnancy and during breastfeeding, its effect on the ability to drive transport has not been studied. Some doctors use Hemodes for blood purification with lipomas, psoriasis and eczema, however, it is not recommended to apply the medication alone for this purpose. Since the drug is not involved in metabolic processes, there is no evidence of an overdose.

This drug is intended for use in a hospital, under the direct supervision of medical personnel. The pharmacy is sold strictly by prescription. The shelf life of Hemodesis is 3 years, when frozen, the drug does not lose its medicinal functions, but the recommended storage temperature is 0-20 degrees Celsius.